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    FB Ads funnel. Help me understand something...

    ElGuapo in PPC/SEM

    Hi all. I am dipping my toes into FB ads and have been referring to quite a few well known teachers of the subject. Most of them seem to recommend ... [read more]

  • 7 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Is Solo Ads better that AdWords or Facebook Ads?

    Is Solo Ads better that AdWords or Facebook Ads? Share your experience in terms of ROI and conversion. Also, where to find the best Solo Ads vendor?

  • 7 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    problem whit my ads

    When I publish my poet does not work and show a picture says : monthly data limit reached upgrade to paid account for unlimited data

  • 36 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}


    emilie in

    "PREMIUM EMAIL TRAFFIC DELIVERED TO YOUR PAGE!" "Boost And Protect Your Business With The Most Responsive And Proven List Around... And See How Your Offers Turn Into Cash!" "Secure Your ... [read more]

  • 6 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Any tips for promoting Weight Loss offers with Facebook Ads?

    mohitg in Beginners Area

    I am just starting out in Affiliate Marketing. But I am not new to Internet Marketing. I used to build email lists through content marketing. I recently got into the ... [read more]

  • 12 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    FB Ads

    Ricky Chua in Social Networks

    Hi, How much do I need to invest in FB ads in order to see real results? By the way, I'm running an online store website.

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    [Question] Custom Audience / Video Ads / Retargeting

    Adam Erlich in Social Networks

    Hey warriors, Who can share experience in facebook video remarketing campaigns? I mean campaigns on 30-50-100% of video viewers. Some time ago I have tested that, but the quality of ... [read more]

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    Best Quality Solo Ads 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 Unique Clicks Guaranteed!! Cheap Prices!!! [ONLY 4 LEFT]

    webdeep in

    "Grab High Quality Solo Ads For Only Pennies Per Click!" This is HIGH QUALITY TRAFFIC straight from the list of responsive Buyers/Subscribers to your offer. Hi Warrior! I'm booking solo ... [read more]

  • 7 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Best strategy to grow page/group without ads?

    naviown in Social Networks

    hey guys, I am running a service about crypto currency masternodes and already have about 30 people/members group. And now I want to expand my business and get more members, ... [read more]

  • 4 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    How to run cpa offer ads in google adword?

    hentaiBoss in PPC/SEM

    I was using clickfunnel landing page to promote my maxbounty offer in FB(email leads). Now I have some threshold account of g ads. I want to know that -Can I ... [read more]

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    Using YouTube Display Ads For Keyword Research (New Way To Research???)

    Kylo Reed in SEO

    Hello fellow warrior people, I'm trying to grow a YouTube channel organically through SEO and keyword targetting. I'm aware of techniques for keyword research such as using YouTube's suggested bar ... [read more]

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    DELETE - offer now ended

    mikefashen in

    This offer has now ended.

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    how to master adwords and facebook ads

    Hi all i know basically how to setup or run adwords or facebook ads. I want to run affiliate programs now. basically, want to learn the mastery of adwords and ... [read more]

  • 9 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Bing Ads - How To Split Test Landing Page

    AtBat in PPC/SEM

    I want to split test two different landing pages on Bing Ads. I have two ads that are exactly the same, the only difference is they go to two different ... [read more]

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    Facebook Shuts Down Project Analyzing the Impact of Misinformation in Political Ads on the Platform

    A new article on Social Media Today reports that Facebook just announced that it had been forced to cut off a group of NYU researchers from accessing Facebook's internal usage ... [read more]

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    Clickbank and Bing Ads

    darcod in Internet Marketing

    Anyone having luck with selling ClickBank products using Bing Ads? What is the best way to go about this? Currently I am direct linking to vendors sales page, but am ... [read more]

  • 8 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    In which type of trafic source Bing Ads is

    Hello, As I know Bing Ads is a search trafic source, but when I sign up in bizprofits, they ask What Are Your Main Traffic Sources ? SEO/Blogging Social media ... [read more]

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    how to get my peerfly ads to work on facebook

    Terry Couch in Beginners Area

    hi, I made an campaign on facebook promoting a peerfly ad with a custom domain and not the peerfly domain for it is blocked on facebook. I have gotten huge ... [read more]

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    STUPID Instagram Ads objective

    bestIMtools in Social Networks

    Has anyone found the way to post Instagram Ads THROUGH THE APP without just the objective of Traffic? If using the Facebook for Business platform, I'm able to do it, ... [read more]

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    Facebook Dropshipping Ads

    radichone in Internet Marketing

    Hello Considering I found a product for dropshipping and I've made the right targeting. For how long should I run the ad to know if it's good product or not. ... [read more]

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    Got my first appointment from cold calling. Anyone does Facebook Ads for their clients ?

    EliHood in Offline Marketing

    So i never set appointments when i cold call, i just usually just go in for the kill. However, i did not write up an offer presentation for selling Facebook ... [read more]

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    (Solo Ads) The Hottest UnTapped Make Money / Investor 30,000k + Lead List Around!!

    stockcertified in

    Start building your lead list fast! We've got over 30,000 active investor related buyers looking NOW for ways to make money. These are highly educated real "Made in America" folks. ... [read more]

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    Facebook Ad Account keeps getting banned after approving ads - [HELP]

    Aditya25 in eCommerce

    So I decided to open my own dropshipping store (Men's Clothing) and promote it via fb ads. After the store get's set up through Shopify, I made an ad account ... [read more]