
  • 21 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Playing Audio On A Phone Call

    hobgoblin in Offline Marketing

    I want to start doing some some cold calling, but I want to be able to play my recorded pitch at the beginning of the call, and then chime in ... [read more]

  • 34 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Pay per Call on a small budget which is better SEO or Paid Ads?

    mikehende in Internet Marketing

    Hey guys, when now starting out wanting to try Affiliate Marketing promoting Pay Per Call offers. If someone has a small budget say $150 per month, which would be the ... [read more]

  • 29 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    What Do I call These Sales Prospects?

    Guys; I'm nearly done writing my next book. It's a book about how to find or create sales prospects that are almost certain to buy from you. Believe me, there ... [read more]

  • 155 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    I call BS on "people don't like to be sold to" -- a mini Rant

    digichik in Offline Marketing

    I just keep seeing these articles and blog post about how people don't like to be sold to... Ughhhh. I call BS on "people don't like to be sold to" ... [read more]

  • 46 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Worst sales call ever

    MeTellYou in Offline Marketing

    Hey, Just curious: what was the worst sales call you've ever got? Share some horror stories

  • 0 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Where are you posting ads for pay per call?

    greg9 in Beginners Area

    Google ads is expensive right now

  • 15 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    For Seasoned Copywriters: What Do You Call Yourself?

    Mark Singletary in Copy Writing

    Copywriting is often confused with content writing. It seems likely a lot of businesspeople may not know the difference between the two and make the same mistake. And most people ... [read more]

  • 72 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Going to cold call 500 businesses tomorrow any tips for success ?

    EliHood in Offline Marketing

    Hello everyone im new here, i did alot of research on who cold calls here like IamNameLess, John Durham, Dani Mc, Jason etc. I realize that making 100-200 calls a ... [read more]

  • 38 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Pressing On Even After a Hard "No" Cold Call?

    Theres a thread on the sales subreddit discussing persistence even after several "no's" when making cold calls. Some industries instruct their reps to continue pressing until the prospect either buys ... [read more]

  • 14 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Questions To Ask Your Client On Intro Call.

    londonprince in Copy Writing

    For the past 3 weeks, I've been cold emailing and DMing potential clients. This week I have 3 calls booked with potential clients... Here are the list of questions I ... [read more]

  • 29 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Got Call From SEO Guy

    About a week ago, I got a very short letter with a dollar bill enclosed with a card. The card simply had the name, phone number, and address of the ... [read more]

  • 10 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    How are you tracking call performance?

    edecosta in Internet Marketing

    Evening Warriors, I am curious to know if anyone has been able to successfully track phone calls as a test objective with Google Optimize or whatever testing platform you may ... [read more]

  • 19 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    What Do Offliners Call Themselves These Days?

    I have never done any offline work except to help a few business friends pro bono. If I want it I have an opportunity being handed to me on a ... [read more]

  • 198 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Mobile Site Machine Tap to Call Edition - Easily Create Mobile Tap to Call Templates for Any Niche

    Searchlabmedia in

    WSO of the Day for July 26th Buy the Mobile Tap to Call Basic Version Today! -... Launching July 25th 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern [read more]

  • 22 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Anyone Working on Call only Ads?

    Awais_Afzal1 in PPC/SEM

    Hi fellow warriors, I need to ask that how many of you are working with call only ads? Hows your experience & how much average cost price you are paying ... [read more]

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  • 228 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Call 2 Continue - SMS List building with our GROUNDBREAKING plugin!

    icun in

    Sorry to say it, but email is dying... ... and if you're using email to build any kind of list, in any niche, then you're wasting your own time ... [read more]

  • 185 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    PROOF of our $1,000/Week Sites CRUSHING Google Rankings - Starting at $47.00...

    Joshua Kendall in

    NEW PERMANENT PRICES - ONLY $97! Adsense Annihilator Sites Earn BIG money in BIG niches! Let me be brief, let me be clear, and let's all be honest for once... ... [read more]

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    I'm dropshipping from amazon to ebay. Can I call amazon customer service or is it too risky?

    MARCLAPINFF in eCommerce

    Amazon didn't refund me some returns and I would like to contact them but is it a good idea?

  • 18 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Creating a compelling call to action for post card - critique needed

    MitchHoward in Copy Writing

    I'm creating a post card to send out to small businesses. The offer is a web and search marketing custom video analysis - this specific list is going to contractors. ... [read more]

  • 11 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Help With Call To Action

    kayme in Internet Marketing

    Hi I have three Calls to Actions at the end of my blog posts: A download link for a free ebook, A sign up link for my newsletter, and a ... [read more]

  • 14 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Google Call Only Ads?

    Alex Diamond in PPC/SEM

    Anyone have experience with this? I'd love to hear more and be very grateful for any answers you can share. 1) How hard is it to set up my own ... [read more]

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    SALES ON FIRE membership - Lose Your Fear of Calling & Learn How To SELL

    Jason Kanigan in

    Did you know that the vast majority of people who sell—even those with years and years of experience—“fly by the seat of their pants” when it comes to selling? ... [read more]

  • 155 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Call The Shots!! - Websites & SEO That Converts & Destroys Google - Amazon & Adsense - 360 Velocity

    Weedy92 in

    A $360 Value For Only: Price going up to $27 once this goes to page 3.

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    SALES ON FIRE - WSOs by Jason Kanigan

    Jason Kanigan in

    WSOs by Jason Kanigan Welcome to my WF area. You can get quite a lot of help from me, and it can be tough to know which offer is ... [read more]