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    Google Web Stories Plugin Receives First Major Update

    A new article on Search Engine Journal reports that the Google Web Stories plugin for WordPress has been updated for the first time, adding three handy features. GIFs Courtesy of ... [read more]

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    Google adding main site name to the title tags of pages in the sub folders: How to handle?

    michealtech in SEO

    Hi community, Ours is a WP hosted website. We have given our site title which reflects across all the website page title suffix. Like "Moz SEO" will be default at ... [read more]

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    Google Maps - Having more than one address

    Hi all, I have 2 locations that I work from and wondering if I add a 2nd address, would that hurt my local rankings on Google Maps in any way. ... [read more]

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    Personas and Segmentation in Google Analytics

    TAC:Chris in Beginners Area

    Hello all, I'm looking for a bit of advice and hoping some of you can guide me. I have a client that has 4 different personas that they are chasing. ... [read more]

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    A REAL Business That ANYONE Can Do - Hyperlocal Sports Blogging - Massive Traffic WITHOUT Google

    wolfmmiii in

    The idea behind a hyperlocal blog is NOT to appeal to the masses. It is to appeal very strongly to a smaller, yet localized audience. By focusing your website ... [read more]

  • 37 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}


    JoelWong in

    GREETINGS WARRIORS! I am going to keep this short ... My name is Joel, and today, I am going to offer you a very special service at the Warrior ... [read more]

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    I MUST BE MAD... SEO JUICE.... CRAZY LOW PRICES... Ultimate Backlink Packages

    a17ddt in

    Crazy Priced Backlink Packages We are Social Media Promotions and are a new company offering SEO services at amazing prices, and we'd like to offer these services to you guys ... [read more]

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    *LAST REVIEW PACKAGE* The Most Powerful And Diversified Backlinks Service On WF! Increase Your SERP!

    Heavenstorm in

    The Complete SEO Solution The Most Powerful And Diversified Backlinks Link building is the most effective way to promote your website, capture good traffic and rank well in the Search ... [read more]

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    Payment About Facebook Ads & Google Adwords

    Shawon10 in Internet Marketing

    Hello Everyone I am expert in Facebook ads and Google ad words more then 2 years. i am running client ad words and Facebook ads. in that two method of ... [read more]

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    Is it possible to connect Google Adwords and Analytics accounts if the 2 are under different name?

    stefan16 in PPC/SEM

    Hello all I build a site and about to install Google Analytics. I also plan to use Google Adwords later but mine is banned in the past. My question is: ... [read more]

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    Getting spam visits in my Google Analytics Account

    Dorisbrown in SEO

    Hello, Since last few weeks im getting spam bot traffic in my google analytics account. Such spam visits come from website audit tools like: //seo2.aceventsllc.com I have blocked this IP ... [read more]

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    Google Keyword Planner V SEMrush Keyword analysis

    SheldonEP in Beginners Area

    Hey all, I was recently doing some keyword research and found a difference of around 100 searches per month between google and SEM rush, does anyone have any ideas why? ... [read more]

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    XML Google Sitemap plugin not working on SSL sites

    larryboy03 in SEO

    I'm having an issue as I've juat built a site which has an SSL cert but when attempting to use sitemap plugins, non of them work and it seems to ... [read more]

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    Formulas Like This DO Exist [Proof] - Japanese Engineer Develops Adwords Formula BREAKTHROUGH (1950)

    Jack Duncan in

    BREAKTHROUGH! Anybody Can Beat Adwords With This New Revolutionary Software This incredible piece of software statistically finds the best Adwords Ad variations...so easy a 15 year old can game ... [read more]

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    Google Adwords Suddenly Not Serving Brand Keyword Ads

    searchmarketer6 in PPC/SEM

    I recently have noticed that Google is not serving ads on my top brand terms. Over the last two weeks my colleagues and I have done dozens of searches, only ... [read more]

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    Can You Advertise Herbal Supplements/ OTC Pills and Creams on Google Ads?

    mrwayne85 in Ad Networks

    Hi, I have a health website geared towards herbal products like pills and creams. I'm wondering if I can advertise on Goolge Ads while targeting just the USA only? Thanks ... [read more]

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    [HOT!PLR DIMESALE]Amazing Google + PLR Articles!Plus Check Out The Awesome Bonuses I Have For You!

    michaelmac in

    The Latest Traffic Sucking Phenomenon Has Hit The Internet Like A Tidal Wave...And You Better Make Sure You Jump On For The Ride To Make Some Serious Cash!!! Hey ... [read more]

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    is it true that Google is no longer accepting website popups on mobile

    nickyz1 in Mobile Marketing

    is it true that Google is no longer accepting website popups on mobile . yesterday i was installing a popup plugin on my website and i got this notification so ... [read more]

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    Google AdSence is not approving.

    All Sports Deal in Ad Networks

    I have applied for AdSense but google reply me this- As mentioned in our welcome email, we conduct a second review of your AdSense application once AdSense code is placed ... [read more]

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    I send you PROFITABLE NICHE KEYWORD RESEARCH -$1.23/day- be on page 1 GOOGLE - Know your Competition

    thebillionairegirl in

    UPDATED NOVEMBER 26, 2010 Many of you have requested to order keyword reports individually rather than subscription based. So I am removing the subscription option to all new clients. Existing ... [read more]

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    Google search results for my site have strange titles and missing descriptions.

    Heera in SEO

    Hi everyone. I launched a website about 6 weeks ago, and at first the search results had the correct Titles and Descriptions. But as of a few days ago the ... [read more]

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    Post Panda Penguin Friendly Amazon Affiliate Sites With Onsite Discount Offer & Onsite Shopping Cart

    Snd65 in

    Launch Your Amazon Affiliate Website Today. Onsite Discount Offer on Products to Boost Your Sell & Make $3000/Month Launch Your Affiliate Marketing Business with a new dimension. Make your Amazon ... [read more]

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    What is Google Lighthouse?

    micjustin33 in Beginners Area

    Many of SEOs talking about Google Lighthouse now a days. What is that and how it will impact on website?

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    How to increse quality score of keywords in google ad campaign

    seigell971 in Beginners Area

    Hello guys, I want to increse quality score of my adword campaign to 9 and 10. My quality score becomes stable at 5 and 6 for long time. How can ... [read more]