If you include text links in your content, do you have them open in a new link?

10 replies
I'm debating this on a website I'm creating. I've been out of the business for a bit over 5 years. I'm not sure how much things have changed but that's not really the point here.

I have never been the type to click ads and if I click a link in content I always manually open it in a new tab so I cannot compare the past to the present. I don't like where I'm reading being lost which is also why I ask.

What do you find more beneficial in the long-term? Say they're reading a paragraph about how a certain chemical helps with this issue and includes a brief passage "which is sold by LINK, a popular company" (not my literal text).

Open in the same tab or new tab? What's most popular nowadays? I'm posting this and searching elsewhere. I'm sure there's multiple opinions.

What about banner ads? These seem almost more suitable for a separate tab/window but again, that's my preference. I'm going to look for data.

This is my first post here. Don't let it make me come off as lazy, asking such a "simple" question because it's really not a simple one. Combined with other decisions it can have a big impact.

I did research this some and there's two basic thoughts. The first is like mine: The user should have control. The second I unfortunately also agree with: External links shouldn't affect the core experience. This is why I'm asking your opinions.

The site aims to provide accurate content. I want the users to trust it and be willing to come back, clicking an ad now and then.

The fact is in the past most of my experience has been directly selling either my own software or via ads directly for others. I've had affiliate accounts for almost 10 years but have made next to nothing with them compared to other things.

Thank you.
#content #include #link #links #open #text
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by Challenge2025 View Post

    I'm debating this on a website I'm creating. I've been out of the business for a bit over 5 years. I'm not sure how much things have changed but that's not really the point here.

    I have never been the type to click ads and if I click a link in content I always manually open it in a new tab so I cannot compare the past to the present. I don't like where I'm reading being lost which is also why I ask.

    What do you find more beneficial in the long-term? Say they're reading a paragraph about how a certain chemical helps with this issue and includes a brief passage "which is sold by LINK, a popular company" (not my literal text).

    Open in the same tab or new tab? What's most popular nowadays? I'm posting this and searching elsewhere. I'm sure there's multiple opinions.

    What about banner ads? These seem almost more suitable for a separate tab/window but again, that's my preference. I'm going to look for data.

    This is my first post here. Don't let it make me come off as lazy, asking such a "simple" question because it's really not a simple one. Combined with other decisions it can have a big impact.

    I did research this some and there's two basic thoughts. The first is like mine: The user should have control. The second I unfortunately also agree with: External links shouldn't affect the core experience. This is why I'm asking your opinions.

    The site aims to provide accurate content. I want the users to trust it and be willing to come back, clicking an ad now and then.

    The fact is in the past most of my experience has been directly selling either my own software or via ads directly for others. I've had affiliate accounts for almost 10 years but have made next to nothing with them compared to other things.

    Thank you.

    I set external links to open in a new tab so that my site
    remains open for users to return to.

    IMO banner ads look spammy and should be used in
    moderation. It depends upon your content but I don't put
    banners on my sites unless it's a small square one that
    is not distracting.

    Are you using ChatGPT? If you ask this type of question
    it will give a list of pros and cons and it will include things
    that never occurred to you. It can provide content and
    code, research, and a multitude of helpful tasks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by Challenge2025 View Post

    I'm debating this on a website I'm creating. I've been out of the business for a bit over 5 years. I'm not sure how much things have changed but that's not really the point here.

    I have never been the type to click ads and if I click a link in content I always manually open it in a new tab so I cannot compare the past to the present. I don't like where I'm reading being lost which is also why I ask.
    My preference as a reader is always to have links open in a separate tab. I don't lose my place on the original page and can leave the info on the new tab there to refer to later if I should so wish.

    When creating pages containing external links, I've generally assumed the users would have the same preference, but now I'd be less certain.

    I tend to use a PC or laptop for the bulk of my internet use, but I'm in a shrinking minority. You mentioned you've been away for 5 years - I think you'll find that one big change since then is that now most of your readers are likely to be accessing your site by phone. Managing several open tabs might be less user-friendly for them.

    There are still instances where a separate tab would always be preferable - like when the original page contains a form or other interactive content - but maybe it's best practice nowadays to give the users the option to decide. At least on a desktop or laptop, they can right-click to open the link in a new tab or window if that's their preference.

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    • Profile picture of the author deltahost
      Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      My preference as a reader is always to have links open in a separate tab. I don't lose my place on the original page and can leave the info on the new tab there to refer to later if I should so wish.

      When creating pages containing external links, I've generally assumed the users would have the same preference, but now I'd be less certain.

      I tend to use a PC or laptop for the bulk of my internet use, but I'm in a shrinking minority. You mentioned you've been away for 5 years - I think you'll find that one big change since then is that now most of your readers are likely to be accessing your site by phone. Managing several open tabs might be less user-friendly for them.

      There are still instances where a separate tab would always be preferable - like when the original page contains a form or other interactive content - but maybe it's best practice nowadays to give the users the option to decide. At least on a desktop or laptop, they can right-click to open the link in a new tab or window if that's their preference.
      I also adhere to exactly this opinion, I don't like it when you can leave an interesting page and not come back, it's unnerving, I think it's right to have a separate window where the user has a choice, at least one might get the impression that the owner of the Internet resource does not value his users and easily releases them without the possibility of return
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    I would open any link in a new tab. That way people still "stay" on your website while viewing something else.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    I used to have only external links open in separate tabs and all internal links open in the same tab. Since then, I have come to the conclusion that the majority of website users have no clue how to open something in a separate tab, so I automatically do that for them, in case they want to return to the original page, regardless of whether it is an internal or external link..
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  • Profile picture of the author Zoheb M
    External links on a new tab, and internal links on the same tab sounds apt.

    designing $100 landing pages, and talking business philosophy...

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  • Profile picture of the author CyberSEO
    Always make external links open in a new window, because a visitor stays on your site when they click on them. Also, there is no real need to make them nofollow. Your site doesn't lose anything by using dofollow links.
    AI Autoblogger - the ultimate autoblogging WordPress plugin, powered by OpenAI GPT-4, Anthropic Claude, Google Gemini Pro, Mistral Large, Midjourney, DALL-E 3 and Stable Diffusion XL
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    I do not open a new link while using a smart phone. It's very easy to go back to where you were on the social media sites, I visit. I spend more time viewing the phone than my desktop computer.

    If I use a desktop, it's 50/50 to open a new link or just click through.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11792865].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      I do not open a new link while using a smart phone. It's very easy to go back to where you were on the social media sites, I visit. I spend more time viewing the phone than my desktop computer.

      If I use a desktop, it's 50/50 to open a new link or just click through.
      The question was about what you do when building a website, not what you do when you are using one. Although you are smart enough to open tabs in new windows and navigate between them, the vast majority of the human population is sadly not at all proficient in navigating webpages, whether staying on the same site or across multiple sites
      BizSellers.com - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
      We help sellers get the MAXIMUM amount for their websites and all buyers know that these sites are 100% vetted.
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  • Profile picture of the author IM Simple
    Hey, it's probably smart for all internal and external links to open in a new tab so that users will get to stay on the page they're initially looking at in the first place while they check out a new tab, and they can get back to that original tab if they're done or they didn't want to check out the other tab anymore.

    Honestly, this increase your chance with conversion rates, click-throughs, and other website performance metrics.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anishraop
    Opening external links in new tab is the right way so users can close the new tab and continue on current site.
    Whereas, opening new tab may not be required for internal link depending number of related internal links on the same page.
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