Which Blogging Website theme loads the fastest?

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Hey guys, I would like to build a new blogging website for Affiliate Marketing, I would like to have a site like The Spruce, I love it's, layout, aesthetics and most of all site speed which loads in around half a second.

In my experience, all the sites I have build loaded in under one second initially but after adding content and even with webp images, the sites speed generally went closer to 2 seconds. I had written to The Spruce to ask them if they can tell me which platform/theme they have so I can try to get it but no response.

I would prefer a Wordpress theme will get me like The Spruce, have built sites from scratch with Generate Press and Kadence but got the problem mentioned above. So any thoughts/recommendations please guys?
#blogging #fastest #loads #theme #website
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by mikehende View Post

    Hey guys, I would like to build a new blogging website for Affiliate Marketing, I would like to have a site like The Spruce, I love it's, layout, aesthetics and most of all site speed which loads in around half a second.

    In my experience, all the sites I have build loaded in under one second initially but after adding content and even with webp images, the sites speed generally went closer to 2 seconds. I had written to The Spruce to ask them if they can tell me which platform/theme they have so I can try to get it but no response.

    I would prefer a Wordpress theme will get me like The Spruce, have built sites from scratch with Generate Press and Kadence but got the problem mentioned above. So any thoughts/recommendations please guys?

    Look at their page source and you can see what they are using.

    Once your site is complete, hire a developer to analyze what is making your site slow to load.
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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    I use the Astra Pro theme along with big scoots hosting and Cloudflare. This is a killer combo for speed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zoheb M
    Consider the default Wordpress themes, with mild css customizations if needed. You can't go wrong with it.

    designing $100 landing pages, and talking business philosophy...

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  • Profile picture of the author mikehende
    Initially I had looked at their page source but not seeing any info about their theme, maybe it's html I am thinking. I had considered Astra but still issue for me with any wordpress platform is what might happen after a lot of content is loaded.

    And yes, I had paid not one but a few developers to get the speed issue fixed on my different sites. but matter of fact issue was, at the time that they had done whatever optimizations, the speed was slowing under one second but after a few weeks it went back to same deal again so that's not working for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Just an FY I- it looks like the site was custom built. The top and bottom of the source say it's HTML. They also use Javascript for the text and Grammarly in other spots.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikehende
    Thanks. Yes, I was thinking it's an HTML site and yes most likely would be custom built. So since I am accustomed to Wordpress looks like I will need to purchase an HTML template and learn designing for HTML
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  • Profile picture of the author profitmasterclass
    I would recommend Elementor Pro WordPress Themes. Elementor Pro is easy to install and configure. You can utilise its functions and features to create any kinds of blogs and websites that you'd like. In addition, sites built with Elementor Pro loads pretty fast as well. Cheers!
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    • Profile picture of the author SearchEngineForm
      Totally wrong advise, Yes elementor allows you to build sites the way you want but your site speed will be super slow, 2 days ago it happened with me, spent like 7 days to build a perfect blog on elementor - did a speed test - super slow,

      thought it maybe layout problem, designed a new one - did a speed test - lower than before.

      I highly advise going with kadence theme for quality and reliability. I'm highly regretting my decision of learning elementor and building site using it only to not use it as all sites turn out to be slow.

      Though making site like The spruce will require you two things -

      1. Learn Kadence theme website building instead of HTML.
      2. Get kadence pro bundle with one time fee of $799.

      My personal advise will be not to worry about pro bundle, you can use free kadence for learning and growing base, as soon as you have income coming in invest in $799 bundle pack and hire a kadence expert.

      Or learn kadence and use $799 bundle to build your beautiful site...

      With kadence you can design any site that you can imagine, now only I'm getting into kadence since I realise its speed and reliability.
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      • Profile picture of the author mikehende
        Originally Posted by SearchEngineForm View Post

        I highly advise going with kadence theme for quality and reliability. I'm highly regretting my decision of learning elementor and building site using it only to not use it as all sites turn out to be slow..
        Yes, I had tested a Kadence Pro theme speed which was as fast as any other. I have kadence free site and even though it was free I have to say that their tech support is great and second to none so would be good option which I will look into again.

        What I will do this time around is reach out to them first linking them to the Spruce site and asking them what will be required of me to have a somewhat similar site and speed?
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  • Profile picture of the author deltahost
    Originally Posted by mikehende View Post

    Hey guys, I would like to build a new blogging website for Affiliate Marketing, I would like to have a site like The Spruce, I love it's, layout, aesthetics and most of all site speed which loads in around half a second.

    In my experience, all the sites I have build loaded in under one second initially but after adding content and even with webp images, the sites speed generally went closer to 2 seconds. I had written to The Spruce to ask them if they can tell me which platform/theme they have so I can try to get it but no response.

    I would prefer a Wordpress theme will get me like The Spruce, have built sites from scratch with Generate Press and Kadence but got the problem mentioned above. So any thoughts/recommendations please guys?
    In most cases, the increase in loading time and the first user interaction with the page does not arise because of a bad theme, but because of the number of running scripts and styles, the theme itself may not carry as much load, but if we are talking about Word press, then you can load the theme with different plugins like this that even quickly, the theme will not meet Google's minimum requirements
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  • Profile picture of the author irfanmau
    Use astra theme & elementor, website will be quite fast (depend on your content)
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  • Profile picture of the author lucy victoria
    To achieve a fast-loading site similar to The Spruce on WordPress, consider the Astra theme with Elementor or Gutenberg for layout design. Optimize speed by using a premium caching plugin like WP Rocket, implementing a CDN like Cloudflare, compressing and lazy-loading images, and minimizing plugins and scripts. Also, consider a managed WordPress hosting like Kinsta or WP Engine for optimal performance. If you're still seeing slowdowns, regularly monitor and optimize database performance.
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