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    Question about Affiliate Commissions Vs Website Promotion

    edvacin in

    I have a question that I hope someone out there can answer. Lets say that someone goes to my web site. I think the chances are very high that if ... [read more]

  • 2 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    CSS/JS Question!

    GauravRana in Web Design

    Hi everyone! I am making an interactive textbook using HTML/CSS/JS, and would like the user to be able to highlight parts of the text to come back to later. A ... [read more]

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    Question - Facebook Group owners selling advertising posts?

    DaWarrior in Social Networks

    Is there a place where facebook owners with many targeted members, selling advertising posts? I know contacting the admins may work, but was wondering a service like solo ads selling ... [read more]

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    I have a question - Linking

    gussie789 in

    Hi everyone, I have been working at submitting my site to some free search engines, but i notice that a number of them require that a link be placed on ... [read more]

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    SEO, duplicate content question for a video with 250k views. Thoughts?

    TicketRaven in SEO

    I have a video that is 13 seconds that I took in 2012 of a slot machine victory in a casino. I posted this video in 2012 on a YouTube ... [read more]

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    WordPress Excerpts Question

    felixcohen in SEO

    Hello, That excerpt section which you enable for your WordPress posts, is it indexable by search engines? Is it worthwhile to put unique content there? Thanks.

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    Question about Shopify

    Jackery4122 in eCommerce

    So I've recently been looking into starting a Shopify ecommerce store, and I was on Shopify looking at the stores they have for sale And there's just one thing I ... [read more]

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    question about 30 days training

    profitgenie in

    Hello I hope someone can help with this. I set up a blog as per 30 day training but kept it hosted with blogspot.com which i was quite happy with, ... [read more]

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    Quick Question from a Newbie

    lstoner1121 in

    Good morning - I am working through day 16 (Paul's backlinks) right now and I have a question for anyone who has completed this step... After registering for the site ... [read more]

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    Perfect Webinar Question

    I keep hearing Russel Brunson say not to use techno babble during your webinars. He also says people will be eager to talk techno babble and it's the reason why ... [read more]

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    LOA - Freelance question regarding contracts and T&C

    Copylifemike in Beginners Area

    For any of you freelancers in here - Can someone guide me on how to create a solid LOA or contract that I would use with a client? Also - ... [read more]

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    Question on Blog Commenting?

    Davesbiz in

    Hi Pipsters, I have been commenting on blogs. I have not been comment spamming. I have only been making comments when I have something to say. However, one blog post ... [read more]

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    Facebook Like Button Question

    Jonathan 2.0 in Social Networks

    Hi People. : ) So let's say I have one page of content/an article and there are 3 quotations within the content ... How would I be able to add ... [read more]

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    PIPS Members- I Have a Question For You!

    BIll S in

    You can choose more then one but try to choose the one you want the most! Just click on your answer... You do not need to leave a post!

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    Social Bookmarking Question

    Roy J. Keller in

    Hey Guys, Now please do not LOL to much, for I am old and some times get confused easily. I know that I have been around here for more than ... [read more]

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    Article Question

    Belinda Wilson in

    Hi All, I would like to know, if I wanted to post someone else's article on my blog, is that allowed? Do I need permission from them or something? Or ... [read more]

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    A Writing Question

    Jason Fulton in

    I have another question that is bugging me When writing an article or just blogging is it correct English to start a sentence with And ? Or is it in ... [read more]

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    Hosting Question?

    Roy J. Keller in

    I know at this point in the game I should know the answer to this question but honestly I do not. The question is if both Host4Profit and HostGator show ... [read more]

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    I have a question?

    thanhtuyen in

    Hi everyone! I would like to ask you that: if you want to introduce your products or your website, in your opinion, you should focus on only the target customers ... [read more]

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    Question b4 I signup 4 Pips please

    Theadora in

    Hello all: This is my 1st post however I have been a lurker to Warrior Forums for about a month now...great site. Today I noticed this forum for the PlugInProfit ... [read more]

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    Email follow up for affiliate promotion question...

    fernelis2009 in Email Marketing

    Let's say I want to promote a Warrior Plus offer via email follow up and I craft 5 emails to be sent to my list... If one of my subscribers ... [read more]

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    Host4Profit Question ?

    Jason Fulton in

    Here is a stupid question, How do i renew my domain license with host4profit ? It will be coming up to 1 year soon and i want to renew the ... [read more]

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    Question about Shopify Alternatives,

    Johnarcher in Beginners Area

    Yes I know, It's almost sacriligious to even consider an alternative... But I don't have a credit card. And Shopify won't even allow me to sign up for the trial ... [read more]

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    Hello Guys my self udit new here with one question !

    Udit Arora in Beginners Area

    Really great to be a part of such an awesome community! Quick question : 1. Who pays the paypal transaction fee in case buyer applies for refund? (In case of ... [read more]

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    Duplicate Content Question

    IceCreamTruck in

    Sorry if this has been asked before. I have an EMD that isn't doing well. I want to post the content (one page) on a second EMD that within the ... [read more]