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    Facebook conversions question.

    MaxAdvantage in Social Networks

    Hi, What sort of numbers should I expect for Facebook email opt in conversion? I have a FB ad that is offering a free ebook '7 tips to...blah blah'. Ad ... [read more]

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    Listbuilding question

    Morten V in Email Marketing

    Hi, I'm about to launch a product and working on the main website for it. Meanwhile I'm going to make a coming soon landing page with a email optin to ... [read more]

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    PPC ad groups and budget question

    Fresh AF in PPC/SEM

    Hello everyone, newbie here, so i hope my questions are not too stupid. I just finished my Ads learning courses and i am in the planning mode of my first ... [read more]

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    Question about posting product prices on Amazon Affiliate program

    Sweet Masker in Beginners Area

    There's a rule in Amazon that says you're not allowed to post product prices as it changes frequently and makes older posts outdated. Ignoring this rule may result in getting ... [read more]

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    Tracking question with email marketing

    s87634 in Email Marketing

    Let's say I have an optin page giving away a free report with an 7 day autoresponder sequence to sell an affiliate product. I would like to test alternatives to ... [read more]

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    301 Redirects: question regarding changing domain and folder

    Hi guys, I'm working with a company to rebrand a website, where all of the content will be moving from one domain to another. Rather than copy pages exactly I've ... [read more]

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    New to forum - question

    iceman2019 in Beginners Area

    Hello! I am a new member here and I am wondering in what section of this forum am I allowed to discuss/promote a freelance service that I offer. I do ... [read more]

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    Question about promoting Clickbank prods as an affiliate

    I am already registered on Clickbank: It used to be that all one had to do to promote CB products was to grab an affiliate link, and promote and off ... [read more]

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    question about first affiliate website

    tommey in Internet Marketing

    Hello! I have 2 questions, now that I want to get started about affiliate marketing. Hopefully someone can help me out... 1. If I make an affiliate website and use ... [read more]

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    Question to make money online niche Facebook advertisers - Getting banned.

    My fb ad account is getting banned every time trying to promote Amazing Selling Machine from account . What I was doing was driving traffic from Facebook to Squeeze page. ... [read more]

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    Question about generating discount codes

    jorgemv in Internet Marketing

    Hi everyone, I used to know how to do this, but that was some time ago, and it's a blur now. As I recall, it used to be possible, somehow, ... [read more]

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    Question about domain name blacklisting

    kurosaki4d in Email Marketing

    Hi, Currently, i'm into cold emailing and as you already know there are multiple blacklisting organizations that we might get listed at ! So i would like to know if ... [read more]

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    Quick question for ecommerce experts

    jorgesil in eCommerce

    Hi If I use a hosted shopping cart that is PCI-DSS compliant still need to instal a SSL certificate? Thank's

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    Question About Ad Networks

    kb24 in Ad Networks

    I see a lot of ad networks online but I was just wondering these networks that charge $25 $50 to start your first campaign are they worth it to test ... [read more]

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    Landing Page Question

    deeanne59 in Internet Marketing

    Hi guys. I need to know, is it better to set up a landing page with the CTA being a direct link to your affilate offer..or set it up to ... [read more]

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    Question about incorporating a dropshipping business

    palcal in eCommerce

    Hi, I am interested in starting up a dropshipping store and I had a quick question about incorporating. Everywhere that I see online tells me to "find a registered agent" ... [read more]

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    Question for Amazon affiliates

    Eoon in Internet Marketing

    Hey guys, So, I just noticed that not all my websites are listed in the area of my account that says "Website information." My dilemma now is whether to add ... [read more]

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    Question about spam email addresses on my site

    I keep getting fake email addresses being fed into my site's newsletter (aweber) form. I assume one spammer is doing this as the method appears consistent. But I can't seem ... [read more]

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    Target=Blank question for external links on a website

    AlwayzBluFFinG in SEO

    Hey, What do you think about target=blank attribute for external links? I always like to add this for external resources in order not to lose visitors and let them go ... [read more]

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    Okay pay users Question.

    DWolfe in eCommerce

    Has anybody from the US or elsewhere use okay pay in their sites or buy products. Paypal is not accepted at a place where I want to purchase something. They ... [read more]

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    Question on traffic originating country

    rizabbasi in Internet Marketing

    Hi, Would be glad if Warriors give some valuable views on this: 1) What is the credibility of a website if it receives majority of traffic from Russia/Russian block (in ... [read more]

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    Question about a course Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman

    bm2 in Beginners Area

    Hello, How many of you have heard about Josh Kaufman Personla MBA. My question is that enough to become a business coach? Thank you

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    Sub ID question with CPA Networks

    Ron Diamond in Ad Networks

    Guys, my CPA Network allows me to use up to 4 sub IDs but I need more than 4 for tracking purposes. I think I have a way around this ... [read more]

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    Domaining Question

    mrgahan in Internet Marketing

    Hi all, Can someone inform me regarding the following question. I'm selling domains that I have registered on Godaddy through the Godaddy auction and through this I've also registered domains ... [read more]

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    Question about Product Review

    kayme in Internet Marketing

    I have a question. Is it best to publish a product review as a regular post on your blog or as a separate page on your navigation bar? Thanx