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Please see the following guides to our community: Warrior Forum Rules & Etiquette for Posting WSO Marketplace Rules List of the best all in one, knowledge compendium threads You are ... [read more]
Please see the following guides to our community: Warrior Forum Rules & Etiquette for Posting WSO Marketplace Rules List of the best all in one, knowledge compendium threads You are ... [read more]
Religious & Political threads and posts are not allowed in this section or any other section on Warrior Forum. This opens up unnecessary arguments and leads to nothing good. We ... [read more]
- YouTube And the Egyptians obviously didn't build this, so that leaves Atlantians or another very advanced race or the "A" word. Or the appropriate term is "Read 'em ... [read more]
Hey, Hope everyone is doing great. I am facing a problem. Whenever I try to request to index any of my page in google search conse it shows "Oops! Something ... [read more]
it refuses to connect to my Laptop. Tried a lot of things online including resetting and the FN-F, keys as well as the resetting the Black Box but it refuses ... [read more]
Does anyone know what happened to Tom Addams, a very excellent marketer from the UK? His lost post was 5th December 2019. I miss his sense of humor and all ... [read more]
Betty was a little old lady, who was always cheerful and quite happy with her life... but lately she had started having a bit of a problem. One day, she ... [read more]
People are being delivered an authentic Amazon package with their name and address on it, all looking perfectly legit, they open it, even though they know they had not ordered ... [read more]
Tried them today and even though l am no Apple fan l was blown away by them. Just looking at an icon then doing some paper cut scissor gesture is ... [read more]
Mark i know you are getting pumped up for this game because you are such a HUGE football fan ( the real one that is ) But how about others, ... [read more]
We've all been through it, well, I have. I have two large cylindrical Amazon Alexa Echo devices, about four years old. I used them a lot. Last year I changed ... [read more]
What's the must-watch stuff in the countdown of the best series, documentaries and movies to watch on Prime, Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+, Starz, Hulu, and ESPN+?
There's probably a bunch of OTers who seldom venture into the other forum sections. You should know that the WF has just posted this in the main section:
So today I get an online/emailed autopay bill notification from Xfinity. My normal payment of 75 bucks for one gig per second had gone up to 121.00? So I get ... [read more]
This year's superbowl halftime show is the worst halftime performance I've ever seen. Anyone thinks the same? Would love to hear your thoughts on it.
Continuing my wacky research into the psyche of the OT preferences I present a question that used to be close to my heart. Sadly, It now could be contributing to ... [read more]
A friend (one who is not a nutter) has seen the big drone in the sky...and he is not alone, hundreds have seen them, and yesterday the state had all ... [read more]
Can you believe we have another season of college football upon us starting this month!! Wow time does fly !!!! Mark's Seminoles kick it off with a game at Ga ... [read more]
suggest me, ccleaner is good or not?
Take a look at this (link removed by mod per forum rules) APPLE going high-up with very nice close to 1 dollar price on, with $26k Full Pair Cap, ... [read more]
Howdy, Have not been at these forums for quite awhile ; thanks for still having the account available to be here , again............. AYES.............
It's ok, I'm not going to contact your relatives who gave you socks, the ugly sweater or tie and tell them how disappointed you were. I just got one, surprise ... [read more]
Hello, I`ve asked a question on the main forum. At first it told me that it needs to be approved. But should I be able to see it in the ... [read more]
I suppose you can include Cell Phones as they are computers technically, but you can leave out smart tv enabling boxes. Games counsels not really a programable computer either, but ... [read more]
Are you a Prophet? Do you read the predictions of seers? Or, do you derive possible advancements in science and technology and discoveries based on what we already know. Are ... [read more]
Just returned from a 4 day trip to this interesting place, although did not get to see much of it. Mainly visiting my friends daughter and family. I have pretty ... [read more]
Yesterday I received a package from Amazon - not unusual except I hadn't ordered anything. It was a gift - a lovely plant pot and amaryllis bulb which will be ... [read more]
my daughter's sweet sixteen b-day bash that is. had over 200 people attend from 6-12 midnight. Dancing , toasts where i had to overcome my fear of public speaking, eating, ... [read more]
Does anybody have plans here in the US for the Holiday Weekend? It's going to be a wet day here on the East Coast on Thursday. I'm spending part of ... [read more]
My mother is 89 and when my Dad passed 4 years ago she instantly became a multi-millionairess. But even with her financial resources available she refuses to travel or spend ... [read more]
I just have. Known him from first school, started hanging out when we were 17, shared places together. You get the idea. He's now married, grown kids, lives in the ... [read more]
Would be interesting to hear. Are they older or younger than you. And, how long have you been together? Does the age difference cause any problems? Just a "for no ... [read more]
For old times sake I googled the Warrior Forum.. its was great to see it's still going strong. I learned how to be an online marketer here and I've earned ... [read more]
Just announced yesterday. Tyson looks incredible for 57 yrs old. Has lost little speed or power over the years. Go to YT and check out his sparring. Iam going Tyson ... [read more]
I got finance for a Mazda 3 with semiauto transmission and after test driving it found it revs up quite a lot before moving from 3rd to 4th gear. I ... [read more]
Last night I Ubered home from my friends place, about a 23 minute journey. A guy showed up in a brand new Tesla. He spoke the destination address into the ... [read more]
Now that it's almost Halloween... and scary stories are a real thing. Has anyone had any encounters with ghosts, or anything else they've found strange? Any experiences, or strange stories ... [read more]
I ran a cross a program that was like $1500 to join which let you purchase predictive search keyword for x amount of money which you could then turn around ... [read more]
Saw this on Linkedin. Something positive during the Holiday Weekend. Dog lovers should enjoy this. "Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering apprehensively into the kennels. ... [read more]
The other day I dropped my trusty android phone of 5 years, my only phone and lifeline, it went onto a laminate wood floor, it was in its leather padded ... [read more]
Ken - are you OK? I think you live in the Carolinas and it's a mess there right now. Realized we haven't seen a joke or a comment from you ... [read more]
I am new I don't know how to create new threat
I don't know how to post this on the forum so just linking to it....some things are just too cute.... anyone who has had a 3 yr old child can ... [read more]
"skellies" are very popular around here as we get near Halloween. This year for the first time, the skellies have their own page. As you can see- some people have ... [read more]
Just got back from Pixar's Inside Out 2. It's a cute animated movie. Even though it was good, I liked the first one a little better. Any movies you have ... [read more]
I was checking out some stories/facts/news/etc this morning and 5-6 times when I click on a google result of a search i was hit with 'sign up and pay to ... [read more]
As you may well know, Windows 10 support ends October 14th 2025. That is, no more security updates or bug fixes to download after that date which makes it vulnerable ... [read more]
Always had an interest in quality TV's and how great they can be in terms of picture and sound. So, not having spent out on any vacations or lavish purchases ... [read more]
So I gave a Samsung tv to my friend and she wanted to login to her Prime account to watch movies/shows etc. She already watches them on other devices like ... [read more]
A novel Idea for a porthole from New York to Dublin, Ireland was recently set up in a public place in both locations, so, passers by either end could see ... [read more]
She rented a house on the beach in sea pines at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. We go from Saturday to Saturday. Looking forward to a really good time full ... [read more]
I love dogs. Unfortunately, I've lost three of my four the last year. I'm one of those men that grieve when their fur babies leave, and especially with the first ... [read more]