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Please see the following guides to our community: Warrior Forum Rules & Etiquette for Posting WSO Marketplace Rules List of the best all in one, knowledge compendium threads You are ... [read more]
Please see the following guides to our community: Warrior Forum Rules & Etiquette for Posting WSO Marketplace Rules List of the best all in one, knowledge compendium threads You are ... [read more]
Hi All I want to build a system for automating at least 1,000 Gmail account creation/Login using Selenium and a multi-login solution. Is this possible? Can running this system in ... [read more]
"Hi, I was advised to look for an open-source application tracking system. I downloaded the candidates from a source with a video, and it initially ran up to the setup. ... [read more]
Hello Fellow Warriors, In JavaScript's document.createElement('div'), is 'div' a parameter or an argument? While checking, I noticed the section titled "Parameters." However, upon further research, I found other resources ... [read more]
What's your best experience as a programmer so far?
I would love your input with an issue I am struggling with. My job entails having multiple clients. I work with them up-front to get the scope of the project, ... [read more]
Hi guys , Im trying to figure it out how make membership site with multiple streams inside (affiliate link deleted by moderator) Ideia is have some offers to people join ... [read more]
Hi, I am not very techie and am having trouble getting an answer to what i think is a fairly easy question, but out of my comfort, knowledge zone. (site ... [read more]
I've been dabbling in cyber security and doing some research on parenting monitoring tools and thought a key-logger/email sender would be a good project to learn how to build. So ... [read more]
What if we wanna start a business like fiverr or Upwork but instead of w with custom code we use wordpress. Is it more fragile n easy to break? Or ... [read more]
HI, Not been here for a long time and hope some advice or help can be given here. I want to create an e-book where once the customer accesses their ... [read more]
I have a custom post type "public notice" whereby subscribers and paid members can create posts of that post type. However, I want to enable the comments section on posts ... [read more]
Hello, I am a developer and I am trying to create a web-based automated texting platform. so anyone can suggest what would be the best programming languages or frameworks for ... [read more]
For a client of ours, I am measuring the conversions of our ads in GA4. This is subscription only (form_submit). But now I find that the conversions do not match, ... [read more]
I'm trying to embed a page in a markdown page that supports HTML. I can do the width to 100% but I need the height to be flexible to the ... [read more]
I'm referring to the actual title and description of the feed itself not the titles and descriptions in the items. Thanks, Rick
Hi, I would I know if a developer is good or bad if I do not write code myself? Some developers list their experience, but how do I know any ... [read more]
Here, my website contains more than 1 lakh cached japanese links. I have secured my site and converted it to php, but I am unable to remove all of the ... [read more]
Looking how to implement adding "Prev" and "Next" button on multi-page post? Example: This is very common with viral blogs/sites but can't find a quick solution on how to ... [read more]
actually am trying to make seo friendly url's with htaccess but my htaccess file is not working in cpanel. this code is working fine in localhost that's my code for ... [read more]
Hello my friends, I want an answer to my question, please I designed a WordPress site using elementor and I want to sell it, but I don't know how to ... [read more]
Any ideas on how to add an include code to generated web pages. I'd like to keep some text and features up to date on each generated page. Say I ... [read more]
As in the topic - what is most commonly and stabile options to code app i 2022. What do you recommend, I know that Flutter are the best but I ... [read more]
A new article on Search Engine Journal explains how to implement Javascript redirects while mitigating as much risk as possible based on Google documentation. JavaScript redirects are one of the ... [read more]
I want, need a directory on the first few pages of the site. when people visit the site, they pick the country they are from, which we have in the ... [read more]
What online web- based video Chat system has an API that allows multi-way communication, file sharing and recordings?
A new article on Search Engine Journal reports that Python is used to power platforms, perform data analysis, and run their machine learning models. Get started with Python for technical ... [read more]
I'm hoping someone can help me change the home page. For the site I'm building ( the home page shows up as Index of with the folder link to the ... [read more]
The scripts portion of my package.json currently looks like this: Code: "scripts": { "start": "node ./script.js server" } which means I can run npm start to start the server. So ... [read more]
Hi this is Palak, I just enter in final year of my engineering. Well from first year my interest is learning and coding Python. Now I am looking for taking ... [read more]
I'm new to HTML. Been learning for more than 2 months+ and I am as yet befuddled about the most "useful" approach to coding however I realize I shouldn't overthink ... [read more]
Would you rather be a master developer who can design, or a master designer who can code?
I have some ideas for NFT's . Where would you recommend having one developed? Also, what type of prices can you expect? Any help would be appreciated!
Being a marketer, what do you think is more difficult than coding for you?
I got a text box in a website and I wish to add an image over there using selenium in python language! I have seen a stackoverflow issue where the ... [read more]
Hello, I am building a web app where the user creates a list of goals. The goals have a category and a description. I am displaying these on a GoalsList ... [read more]
Ultimately, I'm looking for a CRM that requires a new opt-in to login to their LinkedIn account for verification. If not one exists that can do that, my second question ... [read more]
I use phparena code (lavarel) for phone website how to mass import for bulk database in lavarel in script? seems like the seller is not responding, so I need inputs ... [read more]
Hi everyone, I've been doing this a long time - have 146 products in Clickbank and you probably have no idea who I am because I market only to my ... [read more]
Sold website months ago but on WHOIS i'm still registrant, anybody knows why? If someone is searching for who owns the websites it says I still own it but everything ... [read more]
I am about to lose my mind. Google doesn't even index my wp blogs pages. I think someone attacked my website, because I found some irrelevant URLs indexed on Google. ... [read more]
Is it possible to program to regularly extract some figures(epins) from a google docs file unto a spreadsheet? The epins are usually scattered and enclosed within some descriptive data on ... [read more]
How to catch and show routing error header response, as i am getting 200 instead of 404 when redirecting to not found page. I want 404 header response when redirecting ... [read more]
I want to build a classified site using a free php script. Could you recommend which one is the best?
We are using three to four plugins(similar functionalities) to increase website page speed insights (Smush, Asset cleanup, WP Fastest Cache, and WP-Optimize - clean, compress, cache) at a time. My ... [read more]
I am having a problem with a client's website related to the Google Page Speed Insights Report. The tool if giving me the following diagnostic: Does not use passive listeners ... [read more]
I have this stupidly complicated Form Field which I'm trying to pass variables to. This is the form....the field I'm struggling with is the very last field ('Referral'). Any ... [read more]
Hello guys and gurus... : ) I am having some problems with my hoplink VSL page... What is happening is, I masked my hoplink with my domain (frame), now, when ... [read more]
From last month, I started studying RPA that can be used for work using UiPath. [link removed by moderator] I have never studied VBA, and Excel is also a person ... [read more]
Hello, I have one question, which does deal with SEO in someway, but mostly about hosting. I don't know where to ask this question so I'm sorry if I picked ... [read more]
Hi , I have a nested table inside a main table that I want to give top radios corners for this nested table. I am not a coder so would ... [read more]
Hi Warriors, I would like to create a lottery app. I see there are some apps on Google, but I need to create a lottery software program that I can ... [read more]
Hi All, One of our clients is using Vbulletin forums script. Unfortunately domain expired and client did not care about this because he want to use same forums at new ... [read more]
Hi everyone here, I want to host my software on Google cloud hosting. Do I need to point the server to live domain say [] and []? Please help to ... [read more]
Hello, I am trying to do a project where I want to read temperature/humidty using DHT22 and send it to an online database (MongoDB Atlas) from my pi (Pi 3B+) ... [read more]
Hi everybody. I have a weather forecast site that offers weather widgets to other sites. The widget is an iframe that pulls data from, let's say, Search engines follow ... [read more]
Hi Full stack developer, ask me anything do you want about programming... if know the answer i will answer it.