A healthy fascination for Hollywood...

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Since a little boy I always dreamed of visiting and exploring Hollywood/LA.
Grown and raised in Tennessee and being over 2,000 miles away from it , it seemed like a long shot in ever seeing it.

But my dream came true back in 2007 as my wife got a traveling nurse job at USC and they set us up with a luxury high rise apartment right in the smack middle of downtown LA.

It was quite a culture shock for a small town poduck from Tennessee. But I loved every minute of the experience.

We made it on the Dr. Phil Show and got our 5 minutes of fame when the camera zoomed in on us for about 10 long seconds in the audience.

Saw Arnold the Terminator trying on suits at Rodeo drive. He looked incredible in person. The cameras do not do him justice.

We visited La Ink and watched and talked to Cat van doo and also saw a slew of other celebrities on the street including 'Big Pussy' from the Sopranos who I briefly talked to and the cast from 'that 70s show'.

We lived in LA for nearly 5 years. I would not want to raise my girls there but really want to visit in the next few years.

Anyway, if you want to see a really good movie that sums up the LA/Hollywood experience then you need to see 'La La Land'

It's one of my favorites!!
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    Since a little boy I always dreamed of visiting and exploring Hollywood/LA.
    Grown and raised in Tennessee and being over 2,000 miles away from it , it seemed like a long shot in ever seeing it.

    But my dream came true back in 2007 as my wife got a traveling nurse job at USC and they set us up with a luxury high rise apartment right in the smack middle of downtown LA.

    It was quite a culture shock for a small town poduck from Tennessee. But I loved every minute of the experience.

    We made it on the Dr. Phil Show and got our 5 minutes of fame when the camera zoomed in on us for about 10 long seconds in the audience.

    Saw Arnold the Terminator trying on suits at Rodeo drive. He looked incredible in person. The cameras do not do him justice.

    We visited La Ink and watched and talked to Cat van doo and also saw a slew of other celebrities on the street including 'Big Pussy' from the Sopranos who I briefly talked to and the cast from 'that 70s show'.

    We lived in LA for nearly 5 years. I would not want to raise my girls there but really want to visit in the next few years.

    Anyway, if you want to see a really good movie that sums up the LA/Hollywood experience then you need to see 'La La Land'

    It's one of my favorites!!
    Dr Phil should have gone on Opera may have got a free car under your seat?
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  • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
    When I first visited Houston to see my friend in 1998 I got to be in the Audience of the Debora Duncan show because my friend had previously appeared on her show doing some sort of psychic thing. I got a few seconds of air time. My friends husband had recorded the show and made a video clip on the computer, showing my appearance repeated looped a few times and then put in some rolling closing credits to a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie. pretty funny, wish I still had it.

    Oh and, great that you got to see Arnie but the next time your in that situation, don't go into into the changing room cubicle to watch him. Otherwise, it could mean: "Hasta La Vista, Discrat"

    Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Thing is, Arnie bust outta mosta his clothes, jus' like the Hulk.

    An' that is why I love La La Land so.

    It is a troo 'toss off yr bra & dance' movie, right from the gridlock intro choreography.

    Jus' gotta be glad I ain't no squido gal or likely I would blind sumone with my enthoosiastic swingin' around.

    Meantimes, seein' how Gosling rebooted the Bladerunnah franchise, mebbe it is time to wondah what next for the Terminatour?

    Frickin' Box Office Blockbustah Myoosical waitin' to happin imho.

    Plus also the Alien movie deal aftah the next one they jus' releasin'.

    Keep me down.
    Think on up.
    Gonna POP.
    Love your slime.
    Android time.
    Gonna POP.


    The med facility when they all burst out in sync, squealin' in harmony like the worst kinda deep sea whales -- FFS that is surely *cinema*.

    Hey, but ain't alla this (cinema/books/stage) the basis of troo STORY whose incendiary messagin' most marketahs can barely ape at best?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11791262].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      An' that is why I love La La Land so.

      It is a troo 'toss off yr bra & dance' movie, right from the gridlock intro choreography.
      'City of Stars' I could listen to all day everyday . Just a wonderful song about Hollywood. Love it when Ryan sings it as a duo with Emma on the piano then does it in by himself on the pier in hermosa beach. It's classic!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11791264].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        'City of Stars' I could listen to all day everyday . Just a wonderful song about Hollywood. Love it when Ryan sings it as a duo with Emma on the piano then does it in by himself on the pier in hermosa beach. It's classic!
        I find it disturbing to imagine you tossing off your bra and dancing to it.

        Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11791275].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
          Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

          I find it disturbing to imagine you tossing off your bra and dancing to it.
          Jus' to say, evry tossed bra is a potential whip if the dance moves dictate so.

          (Elasticated thongs can mebbe smack out most eyeballs for a few minutes, but they don't inflict propah wounds as might bar you from appearin' on sum TV nooz program next day without lookin' like you walked inta a door.)

          Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Dresm come true for you .Do you think you'll share this experience on YouTube or a blog ?
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