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Announcements in Forum : Warrior Special Offers
26th April 2023 until 27th May 2029
The #1 Internet Marketing Community & Marketplace
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Warrior Forum Community Guidelines & Rules


Welcome to the Warrior Forum, the top online community for internet marketing worldwide!

Whether you have experience or are new to this field, the Warrior Forum is a great place to meet people who share your interests and learn from experts in the industry.

Here, you'll find a lot of helpful resources like informative articles, expert advice, and discussions that will help you succeed. Everything you need is just a click away!

General community rules

  1. Everyone is required to read the community guidelines.

  2. Only 1 account per person. Members are automatically banned if they are found to have more than one accounts, or are running a shill account.

  3. Username changes are not allowed, however, you can add a secondary user title here:

  4. Usernames must use only English. Members can use numbers on their usernames, e.g. agent47hitman.

  5. The use of false profile locations is strictly forbidden, such as indicating that you are in Australia or the USA when your IP address is registered in the India. However, generic locations like "Global" or "Earth-616," fictitious locations such as Gotham City or Wakanda, and harmless meme-ish locations like "everywhere I go" or "the cyberspace" are allowed.

  6. Ad hominem attacks, blackmailing, spamming, bullying, and similar acts are not tolerated.

  7. Selling of accounts is strictly prohibited.

  8. Shameless self-promotion such as “see my sig”, “PM me for more details”, or “check out my blog” is prohibited. Posts with links to personal sites or promotional pages will be decimated.

  9. Promotion of any kind, including subtle, isn’t allowed in the discussion areas.

  10. Discussion threads that are older than 12 months are automatically closed.

  11. New members are required to have 5 posts before they can start their own thread. Replying to threads makes up the five-post requirement.

  12. Self-promotional links (blogs, personal websites, et al.) are not allowed in the discussion areas of the forum. Mods reserve the right to delete the post and/or ban members from the forum.

  13. Members are not allowed to add any URLs to their User Title or location. You are only allowed to use the paid signature ($5 lifetime fee).

  14. Reviews or complaints of products bought from the marketplace can’t be discussed in the discussion areas. You can post on the thread you bought from, but do so in a calm and factual manner. You can also open a support ticket here -

  15. Do not bump threads that are more than 12 months old.

  16. All members are required to have a valid and working email address for forum communication purposes (removed threads/posts, private messages, forum updates, etc.)

Contributing to the forum

  1. Using too many capital letters, special characters, colors, or changing the font or image size excessively in a post can lead to the moderators deleting or editing the post's title or content.

  2. Posts should contribute meaningfully to the discussion or thread they are a part of. If you find a post helpful or informative, you can use the Thanks button to show your appreciation.

  3. Mods have the right to move threads to a more suitable subforum where applicable.

  4. Copy-pasted content is not allowed.

  5. Posts must add value to the relevant discussion.

  6. Any links in a post or thread should not be promotional in nature. Additionally, the links should be relevant to and enhance the ongoing discussion.

  7. New threads and posts are subject to moderation and may take some time to appear. Avoid reposting the same content while you wait for the original post to be approved.

  8. Moderators and administrators have the right to permanently ban a member who violates the rules. If a member is banned, any future accounts they create will also be banned. Furthermore, any paid posts made by the banned member will not be refunded.

  9. The decision of mods are final. Moreover, discussing, questioning, or complaining about mod's decisions are not allowed and such posts will be deleted.

  10. YouTube links are prohibited.

  11. Political and religious topics are strictly prohibited. Repeatedly posting such topics even after multiple warnings will result in a permanent ban.

  12. Black hat methods are not allowed.

  13. Advertising and other forms of promotional posts are not allowed in the discussion areas of the forum.

  14. Search the forum for answers to your questions before posting. It’s most likely that your question has already been answered in the past.

  15. AI-generated content is not allowed. Mods and admin will review posts and decide on them if and when such content are AI-generated.

  16. If in doubt, feel free to ask.

Signature rules

  1. Excessive use of capitalisation and special characters is not allowed, and admin reserves the right to delete such signatures.

  2. Signatures may only be written in the standard font size.

  3. Signatures may only be in black. Members are allowed to use boldface and/or italics.

  4. Signatures are only allowed a maximum length of 3 lines, including blank lines used for spaces. Images do not count on the 3-line limit.

  5. Signatures cannot link to any of the blacklisted content types as described in the WSO Marketplace Rules.

  6. Signature links should point to a site owned or run by the member. Affiliate links are also not allowed.

  7. Links in signatures must point to an English-language site. is offline  
13th April 2023 until 14th May 2029
The #1 Internet Marketing Community & Marketplace
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Join Date: 1997
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Thanked 996 Times in 400 Posts
WSO Marketplace Rules (2024 Revision)


Welcome to the Warrior Special Offers, a marketplace for high-quality Internet Marketing products.

Reporting offers and posts
Buyers and sellers can report any posts and offers within the WSO section for mods and admin to investigate.

This can be done with the red exclamation point () on the lower left side of each post.

Accepted payment system
We accept Warrior Payments, JVZoo, eJunkie, and PayPal as payment methods. We do not support nor accept WarriorPlus as a payment system.

Seller Rules

Compliance with laws
All WSOs must comply with the forum rules, Australian laws, as well as the laws of your local jurisdiction. Sellers are required to comply with all legal requirements for advertising, both under the laws of Australia and the country of your residence.

Legal compliance is strictly your responsibility as seller of the product. We reserve the right to reject/delete offers that violate legal requirements.

WSO approval policy
The following products are not permitted to be sold as WSO:
  • Mass account creators
  • Email harvesters
  • Data mining
  • Cookie stuffing scripts
  • Mass automation tools
  • SEO spam tools
  • Blog commenting tools
  • Wiki poster tools
  • Spam tools
  • Forum posting tools
  • Classified ad posters
  • PLR products
  • Any products related to crypto
  • Adult-related products and services

PLR products are allowed under the Warrior Classifieds section. Otherwise, if your WSO is any of the above, your offer will not be approved and your payment fee will not be refunded full stop.

WSOs should have an WSO-exclusive pricing. The moderation team reserves the right to reject any non-complying offers. Sellers are free to revise their paid listings any time.

Moderation and approval time
All threads are moderated within 24-72 hours, but may take longer on a longer holiday. If your submission hasn’t been approved within the prescribed turnaround time, please contact Warrior Forum support at Please indicate your Warrior Forum username, and the link to your thread.

If your thread is approved, you will receive a private message from the admin advising that your thread has been approved for publishing, and with further instructions on how to post your offer.

If your thread is not approved, you will be notified of the reason why. Admins will also advise you on the next steps, and you are also encouraged to review the WSO rules and align your offer with these rules. Once done, you may submit your revised listing.

Admin reserves the right to move unmoderated WSOs to a different section of the Warrior Forum Marketplace.

WSO validity
WSOs and marketplace threads are valid for only 12 months, after which they cannot be bumped. This applies to threads retroactively as well, i.e. threads that have been posted in 2018 will be closed.

Warrior Special Offers will be closed and moved to the Legacy WSO section. Any bumped threads which have been running for more than 12 months will not be issued a refund, and members will have to create and pay for a new thread.

We do this to keep the marketplace section fresh and updated with new offers and content.

Members are not allowed to keep existing comments from the older thread. However, members can include good reviews and testimonials as part of their sales copy, or as a second post in the thread.

Seller support
Sellers are required to give customers a reliable, common way for buyers to make contact that will not depend on the forum. This can include a support email address, support helpdesk, etc.

Your contact information should be clearly placed within the first or second post of your offer. Sellers are also required to set expectations in terms of what support is offered for the WSO.

Members are allowed to sell scarce or limited-offer products, e.g. products limited to just 100 registrants, etc.

The title of a WSO should upfront describe what a WSO is. Titles should describe what a WSO is about, and should describe what people are buying. Income claims in titles are not allowed.

Non-alphanumeric characters, HTML, and ASCII characters are not allowed in WSO titles. Emojis can be used, however they are limited to a maximum of 4 emojis. Moreover, members are not allowed to use FULL CAPS across titles, nor are overuse of exclamation points.
Examples of good titles:
  • [80+ Videos] Learn How I Rank #1 on Google and Drive 594,536 Visits/mo. Amazing Reviews From Buyers!
  • Shopify x SEO - The Ultimate Shopify SEO Course: What The Big Ecom Stores Don’t Want You To Know
  • [Done For You] Web Design Business In A Box (Zero Technical Skills Required)
  • Discover The Fast & Easy Way To Land Local Clients

Examples of bad titles:
  • Earn $1,000,000 By Just Using Our Techniques → Upfront income claim in title
Paid testimonials and bonuses in exchange for reviews
Sellers are prohibited from using testimonials from anyone who has or will receive payment, commission, incentive, or advantages for their review. All WSO testimonials must be unsolicited.

Sellers are prohibited from offering payments, commissions, incentives, or advantages in exchange for reviews.

Off-site reviews
Sellers are not allowed to link off-site reviews or review videos from within a WSO thread. Screenshot reviews, however, are allowed.

Selling email lists and leads
Sellers are strictly prohibited from selling, trading, or giving out email addresses of their WSO customers. Any personal identifiable information held by sellers must be kept confidential.

Spamming and unsolicited bulk mail
Sellers are not allowed to sell any products that endorses, enables, or facilitates sending of unsolicited bulk messages via email, private messaging systems, SMS, or other channels meant for one-to-one communication.

Sellers are not allowed to use the Warrior Forum private messaging system to endorse or solicit their WSO to other members.

Significantly similar offers
Sellers are not allowed to have more than two (2) significantly similar offers in any section of the forum.

If any existing offers are found to be similar, sellers will be required to explain product uniqueness to moderators before the offer is approved.

Buy buttons
Sellers are required to have a buy or CTA button that will take a user to the checkout or opt-in page. Checkout links that lead users to a landing page are not allowed.

If a seller is offering free services (e.g. consultation, free webinar, etc), provide a direct opt-in page for your buyer. You might also need to state the price of your intended sell-up price, and admins have the right to review as needed.

Checkout links should look distinct, clear, and easy to see.

Payment process
Sellers are required to have a proper payment gateway: Warrior Payments, JVZoo, PayPal, Stripe, Clickbank, eJunkie, Paykickstart, etc. Other payment processors not mentioned will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Warrior Plus is not accepted on the platform.

All listing and bump fees are final. If a seller fails to comply with any of the rules, no refunds for any payments made to Warrior Forum will be offered.

Income claims and guarantees
Sellers are not allowed to make upfront income guarantees, or imply that income will result from purchasing a WSO. Any WSOs with income claims will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Example of allowed income claims:
“One of the strategies taught in this course gave me the essential knowledge on how to create a profitable campaign. We generated around $4000 with an ad spend of $400.”

Example of a disallowed income claim:
“This offer guarantees that you will make $1000 in your first week!”
Etiquette and decorum
Sellers and members are not allowed to harass, ad hominem attack, blackmail, spam, or bully other buyers, sellers, or Warrior Forum members.

Blind ads
Sellers are not allowed to post blind ads. Offers should not be misleading, and should be clearly understood by both moderators and members.

Solo ads offers
Solo ads offers are only allowed on the Classifieds section.

Seller refund guarantees
Sellers are not required to offer refund or money-back guarantees for their WSOs. However, if such guarantees are offered, this should be explicitly stated and clearly explained in the first or second post of the WSO.

Offers on the first page
Sellers are only allowed to have 3 threads on the first page of the WSO Marketplace and applicable subforums. Members are allowed up to six (6) threads if three of these are stickied threads, however, this is rare and will be reviewed by admin on a case-by-case basis.

Sticky threads
Members can have a maximum of three (3) sticky threads on the first page of the WSO Marketplace and applicable subforums.

Warrior Forum trademark
Sellers are not permitted to use the Warrior Forum logo, branding, name or otherwise in their sales copy. The name of your product should imply that the product is affiliated with the Warrior Forum in any way.

MLM and affiliate products
Affiliate products and products that are part of an MLM scheme are not allowed in the WSO section. Sellers may post such offers on the Classifieds section.

Publishing your WSO

WSO posting specifications
  • To get started with a WSO, use BBCode. The list of available BBCode tags are found here.
  • Do not copy and paste your WSO from your source straight to the WSO editor as this will show up as a messy bunch of HTML codes when rendered. Paste your text without formatting (Ctrl + Shift + V for Windows users; Command + Shift + V for Mac users).
  • Give potential buyers as much info as they need so they can make an informed decision about your product.
  • Become a contributing member and establish your reputation in the discussion areas of the forum before trying to post a WSO.

The following are the listing fees of the Warrior Forum marketplace:
  • WSO listing fee: US$20
  • WSO bump fee: $19.95
  • Sticky thread: $100
  • Warriors For Hire: $20
  • Web Hosting Offers: $20
  • Warrior Classifies/The Underground: $20
  • Wanted - Members Looking To Hire You: $20
  • Affiliate Program Database: $20

WSO rules for buyers

Review copies and offering reviews
Users are not allowed to ask for review copies or offer review copies in their WSO.

Reporting fraudulent or misleading offers
If a seller fails to deliver the product or service as advertised, doesn’t honour a posted refund policy, or something similar, please report the problem using the Report icon () and our team will investigate.

Ensure that your report contains all the important details, such as:
  • Thread URL
  • Seller’s username
  • Conversation history between buyer and seller

Such details will be kept confidential. Investigating claims will also take time, and multiple reports will not “expedite” investigations. Our team will make sure reports are promptly acted on.

The forum has no power to force a refund between buyers and sellers. We are only limited to reducing or removing access by parties we believe might be acting improperly, or those who violate the forum and/or WSO rules as prescribed in the forum.

Issue resolution
Buyers should always resolve any issue with sellers privately so the latter may have the opportunity to explain themselves. Should the issue remain unresolved, buyers may report the problem for admin to investigate.

Reviewing a WSO
Buyers are allowed to post one (1) honest review for any WSO they have purchased. Such reviews must be factual and not misleading in any way. If the product was sold via Warrior Payments, buyers can review the product from both within Warrior Payments and on the seller’s thread.

Product review guidelines
The following are review guidelines for buyers:
  • If a buyer is an affiliate, or received a review copy of a product, you are required to explicitly state this when posting a product review.
  • Do not debate the sales process. If there is anything deceptive, report immediately.
  • Buyers may list the one-time-only (OTOs) associated with a product as part of your review. Buyers, however, are not allowed to make statements beyond the list of what is offered.
  • Multiple reviews from a single buyer within a sales thread is not allowed.
  • Reviews must be about the product, not the seller or the seller’s previous products.
  • Ad hominem attacks, name-calling, and unproven accusations warrant a permanent ban.

Buyers are not automatically entitled to a refund IF they are unhappy with the product or service.

If a seller prescribes a refund period as part of their offer, this should be explicitly stated in the sales page or FAQ of the offer. If there are no mentions of any such policies, it is assumed that all sales are final and no refunds offered.

Buyers may request a refund from the seller provided this will be done by contacting the seller privately either through private message or via the seller’s external support channel.

File sharing
Buyers are prohibited from sharing, reproducing, or selling the product they purchased on the WSO marketplace without the seller’s explicit consent. is offline  

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