16 replies
No website nothing, is it possible for me to start making money as an affiliate? Lost and don't know what to do, or how to do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    What skills/experience/knowledge do you have? What have you done so far? How much time do you have to work and what is your budget?

    Almost anyone can learn to make money online but it's not as easy as "here I am, where is the money pile". Many new marketers lean toward 'affiliate marketing' because it sounds easy....it isn't.

    What are your goals - your expectations? What type of products do you want to sell - and what is your target market?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    It actually doesn't take much to be considered a 'difficult woman' -
    that's why there are so many of us.
    ...jane goodall
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    • Profile picture of the author Dusty Jensen
      I'm a hard worker, I work 2 full time jobs and a part time job. And raising my 6 year old daughter. So I'm not scared to work. I would just like to figure this out and bring in another income so maybe I don't have to work so hard doing the others and hopefully get to spend more time with my kid. All I know is I'm honest hard working and willing to learn. If I had lots of money I wouldn't be trying to figure out new ways to make money.
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      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by Dusty Jensen View Post

        I'm a hard worker, I work 2 full time jobs and a part time job. And raising my 6 year old daughter. So I'm not scared to work. I would just like to figure this out and bring in another income so maybe I don't have to work so hard doing the others and hopefully get to spend more time with my kid. All I know is I'm honest hard working and willing to learn. If I had lots of money I wouldn't be trying to figure out new ways to make money.

        My first advice as someone who has been there, is to
        stop working yourself to death. Work on your budget
        and your living expenses and do whatever you can
        with all of that.

        I got a part-time job once, on top of my full-time job,
        and I was splurging on things I didn't really need and
        I asked myself "is this why you are working the extra
        job." That was back when I was in my 20s, I retired
        early because of my online business. I still do online
        business but it is at my leisure.

        There are many ways to make money on the internet,
        affiliate marketing is just one way. But there are other
        things like publishing, selling products including digital
        downloads, print on demand, MLM, buying and selling
        websites, freelancing, etc.

        You can do affiliate marketing without a website, but
        it helps to have your own site(s) as it demonstrates to
        affiliate networks that you are serious.

        I would advise you to read books on passive income,
        that is where you set something up that pays you on
        a continuing basis - publishing books for example.

        You can find free ebooks at Amazon and read those
        on your computer, you don't need the Kindle ebook
        reader for those. You can also do the read aloud
        with them which can make reading easier.

        Also read about side hustles, WAHM, home business,
        and that should give you enough material to figure out
        what will work so that you're not struggling to make
        ends meet or whatever you are going through.

        Final advice for now, you probably aren't using AI yet,
        I highly recommend it. Start with ChatGPT, it is free for
        the basic version and $20 per month for the upgrade.

        That thing is life changing because it can help with
        personal problems, recipes, business plans, etc.

        Good luck and I hope things work out for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I'd strongly advise taking the time to read through the link below. This is a valid way to make money - the person explaining it (savidge4) and his family have been doing it for years. He has tested everything and you can't find a better 'how to'.

    It's a great place to start.

    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    It actually doesn't take much to be considered a 'difficult woman' -
    that's why there are so many of us.
    ...jane goodall
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    • Profile picture of the author Dusty Jensen
      Thank you very much. I appreciate your help more than you know.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
        Originally Posted by Dusty Jensen View Post

        Thank you very much. I appreciate your help more than you know.
        Use the Quote button so we know who you're replying to.

        Affiliate marketing is straightforward. Someone else creates the offer. They also host a sales page, which has some kind of sales letter or video sales letter.

        That part of the process is called Conversion, ie. converting (some) visitors into buyers.

        What they need you for is the earlier part of the process, which is called Traffic, ie. bringing eyeballs to the offer.

        The reason why you would do this is, ideally, the offer has a history of converting well when the right people are brought to it. Affiliate networks will show you this data, so you can see for yourself before you put effort into Traffic generation for offers that could work for you.

        Now there are levels of complexity to being an affiliate marketer.

        The easiest, simplest and IMO "dumbest" is sending a person over to the offer page. One time, without keeping any information about them.

        This is called a "hop".

        The more hops you send, the greater the chance of you getting a conversion ie. a buyer, and the offer owner will send you a commission some time later after the refund period has expired. The rules for sending commission will be in the affiliate agreement and you will know what they are prior to agreeing.

        Why is this "dumb"? Becuase you are neither capturing the lead, nor making it possible to send them to the offer page more than once.

        A smarter way of doing affiliate marketing is to capture the lead. This means sending the person from where you find them, eg. Facebook, to an opt in page where they give you their email address in exchange for something of value. Clickfunnels hosts these pages. You could host your own website. Email marketing tools also give you landing page options. What's the bait? Could be your thoughts on the problem the offer solves, opinion of the offer/solution itself, a Top 10 list of things related to the offer, and more.

        Once the person has done this, they are now your lead. You paid for that lead, whether in blood, sweat and tears or Facebook ads or some other way, so you should capture it.

        You can now market to them. You can send them emails warming them up about the problem, offer, solution, benefits etc. And most importantly, you have opportunities to send that lead to the offer sales page several times.

        Why is that important?

        Because people are busy and may not have the time to fully read or watch that sales letter--DESPITE wanting to! Eg. they are sitting in an oil change place and watching the offer's VSL...and then the tech comes up and tells them their car is ready. Or even worse, that there is a problem. Woosh! Your offer is out of their mind as fast as the wind blows.

        So having captured the lead and being able to market to them again, you can send them the link to the offer page once more the next day. Now they are home, relaxed, remember your offer, and this time buy.

        To increase complexity even more, you could have your own branded website with your opinions about the niche, problem, state of affairs, possible solutions, things you have tried, etc. etc. that warm people up to buy and show them you know what you are talking about regarding the topic. And if your initial vendor goes belly up or disappears, you can easily swap in a new seller here. This BBQ tools provider vanishes? No problem: you can replace them with another supplier. And you're already established as an expert.

        These things of course take time to put together and build up. If you had resources you could do this more quickly. But for the moment you should get a free autoresponder service to capture some emails. They should provide a free landing page designer for you to capture the lead with. Monitor this list carefully as in the beginning you'll be limited to a few hundred leads tops and should delete those who don't buy after awhile.

        As you are able to afford to pay for more leads on your list, you can do that.

        Now the final issue: Where the heck are these leads going to come from??!

        This is the big question. It's what the affiliate seller is paying you for.

        One of the best sources is to build your own Facebook group on the topic. Again, free. But not easy.

        I'll leave it to others to suggest or you to research other leadgen/warmup methods. But for now, understand affiliate marketing is not easy. It is not a magic yellow brick road to riches. You will not get 5 hops and a sale (I wouldn't bank on it, anyway)...or perhaps even 500 hops and a sale. How you choose and find your leads is a critical factor to hop quality, and the affiliate vendor will be watching your hop quality. If your hops suck, they will cancel your relationship with them after awhile because you're hurting their stats.

        So understand what you are getting into. Probably difficult to generate traffic...challenging to set up even the basics of the system...and you likely won't get paid out for a month or more. This, in my opinion, is NOT something a broke person should attempt. It's an OK second income stream job, something to putter away on knowing your bills are already taken care of.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well welcome and good luck
    You can make it but its important to have patience ,be consistent and never give up as it takes some time to be succesful
    Unfortunately many people after some time when they see things not working they decide to quit not knowing they throw their big dream at trash
    I dont give you a guide because you can find milions of guides everywhere ,the important factor its how bad you want it
    As an advice : choose affiliate marketing as its a huge potential field to make money
    Go to youtube and search : how to make money with affiliate marketing and you will find tons of videos explaining you step by step on how to make money with aff marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Learn a skillset and use that skillset i.e your knowledge to help others achieve their goals and start a blog as well ..

    I call it reverse engeneering the process .

    I can't say whether you will generate money or not but with the right format and attitude I think you will .

    Basically I am saying prioritize learning and applying your knowledge on a macro level to achieve your goal

    I wish I had done it when I first stsrted affiliate marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author majikk
    Hello and welcome
    Firstly you should know that you need to take your time and be patient, while making a slow but steady progress on learning as much as you can.. Consult any legit source, try to have an open mind, and remember, it takes time and effort to succeed. Money isn't going to rain at first. There are already many successful experts in the field of affiliate marketing, take some notes from them. If you want to put in the work, just know it won't be easy but if you insist, I believe you will make it
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  • Profile picture of the author SearchEngineForm
    Dusty Jensen, you won't believe I sign up to Warrior forum just to respond to you...

    After reading that you are doing 2 full time job along with part time job I felt to jump in and give my 2 cents...

    Affiliate or affiliate marketing is a by product of having access to audience...

    People who talk about doing affiliate marketing either has paid traffic - ads, promo, sponsorship or free/organic traffic via blog, youtube channel, social media, email list etc.

    You have to build a source of traffic to do affiliate marketing...

    Start educating yourself on building audience for affiliate marketing...

    From my experience and knowledge I recommend 2 platform either start blogging or youtube channel...

    If you're good at writing like me (Which you can guess by seeing the length of this post haha) then go for blogging.

    If you're good at recording yourself and explaining things and likes to be on camera than go with youtube channel.

    Whichever you choose, 5-6 month of non-stop dedication is a must to start seeing green grass (you know).

    Find something you're good at, it could be anything and start creating content around it for free to help people and money will follow if people find it helpful trust me on this brother -

    So find things you're good at -

    1. Maybe you're good at finding jobs in Xyz country. Make a blog entirely based on finding jobs... Like how to find your first job, How to create resume, How to find part time job as a student etc. You can affiliate for company or job boards, you can place their ad on your blog for $$$.

    2. Maybe you're good at fixing car, make a blog or video entirely based on fixing cars.

    3. Maybe you're good at garden, then teach people gardening stuff.

    Conclusion is -

    1. Find out what you're good at and people would pay for to learn.
    2. Make regular free content and publish either on blog (written) or youtube (video)
    3. Be consistent for at least 5-6 months without expecting any money.
    4. Find good affiliate program and plug it into your blog/video - With a common search on google like - 'Affiliate program in your niche' will give you plenty of options.

    Once you start seeing people coming in to see your content yourr affiliate earnings will automatically starts.

    P.S always remember the main bread and butter of doing affiliate marketing is providing free value to people without expecting anything in return, a great example is this reply of mine that you're reading. I join this forum 4-5 mins ago. I literally signed up to give you a reply.

    Hope you find the right path man..

    RK Lokesh
    [promotional text removed by moderator]
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  • Profile picture of the author deltahost
    Originally Posted by Dusty Jensen View Post

    No website nothing, is it possible for me to start making money as an affiliate? Lost and don't know what to do, or how to do it.
    Every person can do something, if he cannot do anything, then there are some things that he likes or would like to do. You need to decide on your preferences and then study, maybe you don't need a website or the IT industry, maybe you are a great artist or a good cook, maybe you are an indispensable car repairman. Think about this first, so know more and develop in that direction. I don't think that on this forum anyone will give you an answer that you will like and suit 100%
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  • Profile picture of the author OfficeHounds
    Originally Posted by Dusty Jensen View Post

    I'm a hard worker, I work 2 full time jobs and a part time job. And raising my 6 year old daughter...If I had lots of money I wouldn't be trying to figure out new ways to make money.
    It sounds like you don't have a lot of time to learn or try new things. 2 full-time jobs and a part-time job and being a parent, and you need time to rest. If I were in your shoes, I would put all of my energy into looking for one better-paying job that would allow me to reduce my working hours. I'd do that first and then when you have some free time, you can look into learning affiliate marketing. It will take you time to be able to learn enough to be able to replace one of your jobs with affiliate income, so that's why I'd start with looking for a higher paying job first that will allow you to reduce your hours.
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  • Profile picture of the author AprilBraswell
    Hi Dusty,

    Welcome to WarriorForum. Yes it definitely is. This is such a broad question, and I get it about starting there, but maybe narrow your question down a little bit now after you got that initial Yes. Now what?

    What interests you to affiliate?
    And what interests you in terms of running a digital asset? Do you like to write? Video? Audio speak only?

    That's just a start.

    Start something free like at blogger and see what you like, don't like. And then adjust your sails.

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  • Profile picture of the author Hassan Sulaman
    Yes it is possible. if you need job first warriorform is best. but if you cannot get any job from this forum. then i will suggest you visit an amazing website here you can get best regarding to your skills thanks....

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