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    25c per click solo ads x 20 slots only! (Last mail got 38% conversion and 1 sale!)

    johndetlefs in

    The Hundred Click Package 100 Clicks @ 60c per click = $60.00 The Two Hundred Click Package 200 Clicks @ 50c per click = $100.00 (You SAVE $20) [read more]

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    Running ads on YouTube

    Elena Base in Social Networks

    Hi guys, I'm a Facebook marketer who's looking to branch out into doing YouTube ads. I'm planning on setting up a Manager account for adwords and my assumption is that ... [read more]

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    Ads on Pop-under network - danger of rank penalty from Google?

    fxmachine in Beginners Area

    Hi I am running an e-commerce website for ordering high-end nightgowns , so straight ecommerce (not adult, not gambling etc.). We have great ranking on Google currently. We need to ... [read more]

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    Open house ads on Facebook

    Mimila in Social Networks

    Hello all! I'm trying to boost my open house post on Facebook, but it keep being denied with the message "it looks like your ad may be for housing..." Any ... [read more]

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    Here Are Four Powerful Facebook Ads Targeting Options

    A new article on Search Engine Journal asks if you're making the most of Facebook's powerful ad targeting options? Time to see if you can up your social PPC game ... [read more]

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    Facebook Ads In Small Towns

    rmnnet in Social Networks

    Scenario: Local real estate agent in small town wants to generate leads looking to buy houses with offers such as "Free Homebuyer's Ebook Guide" and "Sign up for a curated ... [read more]

  • 22 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Fast and Furious Targeted Traffic = Down and Dirty Solo Ads

    Ken Leatherman in

    Fact: No Traffic To Your Site Means No Sales And No Money... Fact: No Money means Momma ain't happy and you know what that means... You ain't happy! Now it's ... [read more]

  • 10 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    List of places to purchase solo ads...

    Jason Gazaway in

    Hey Guys! I'm looking to spend a lot of cash on solos (Does anyone here offer solos to their lists? If so, I'd love to hear from you) I've already ... [read more]

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    Bing Ads PPC + Clickbank Thread

    SERPTurbo in PPC/SEM

    Anyone knows what's the story behind the thread below? Solarwarrior helped out a lot of people to get started with Bing Ads and that thread is full of excellent info, ... [read more]

  • 5 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    How prevent monthly FB ads from losing interactions?

    StevieJK in PPC/SEM

    Hi guys, If you run a monthly paid FB ad for a local client - how do you keep the interactions going each month once the people in the city ... [read more]

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    Imagine Being Able to Find Any Campaigns for Any Given Niche on Facebook !

    clalit in

    BTW you more than welcome to try my other software ( FREE TRIAL ) 1. www.uidextractor.com ....Uidextractor The well known GS tool..... 2. www.socialleadgold.com ...SLG The Ultimate FB Marketing ... [read more]

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    Instagram Expands Its Test of Reels Ads to More Regions

    A new article on Social Media Today reports that, after testing them out in some regions over the past month, Instagram is now moving to expand Reels ads into more ... [read more]

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    Youtube ads conversions question

    Vivien Tse in PPC/SEM

    Hi guys! I'm new here. I've been trying to run youtube ads using max conversions for a few campaigns as a new youtube ad account. In the first couple of ... [read more]

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    [ecommerce] Selling Services Through Facebook Ads

    gnaffo in Internet Marketing

    I have a website where I am selling services for independent authors (helping them self-publish their books). I need to adjust the services pages to make it easier to promote ... [read more]

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    How to make money from Taboola or OutBrain ads for my site.

    Telugu Lyrics in Ad Networks

    Hello! Warriors. I want to make money from Taboola or Outbrain. How to get publishers account from them. And how much they pay.

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    Can I use Sticky Ads From Adsense in 2018

    tanvirbd in Ad Networks

    Hello, I see lots of websites are using sticky ads from long time, I found some mixed up data on google that some expert says use it no problem some ... [read more]

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    How to use Instagram shoppable ads in India?

    How to use Instagram shoppable ads in India?

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    Warrior Podcast: Dennis Yu @ BlitzMetrics on Mastering Facebook Ads

    timokeefe from warriorforum

    Welcome to the Warrior Podcast! In this first episode, Dennis Yu will let us in on some of his secrets to effective Facebook marketing. Listen now at the link below!

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    Is there a growth hacker way to post ads on twitter?

    Delta223 in Growth Hacking

    I saw it mentioned elsewhere that facebook buy/sell groups are a decent place to advertise. Trying now and I notice I'm not the only business in there. How about Twitter? ... [read more]

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    Blue Boxes where ads should appear!!!

    Sufian Rana in Beginners Area

    I am seeing blue boxes where adsense and adclerk ads should appear on my site please check and guide

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    [Problems] with Facebook Paid Ads Audience Reach*

    sgd in PPC/SEM

    Hi guys! Recently I launched Lead Generation ads for one VoIP Business in my country, I made a really good audience of 50.000 people, targeting is very thin, estimated daily ... [read more]

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    Can I offer a paid or free product out of a swipe file of FB ads, landing pages of other marketers?

    dwdarek in Beginners Area

    Can I offer a swipe file of FB ads and landing pages of other famous brands and marketers as a paid product or a free lead magnet? Am I legally ... [read more]

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    Vendor-Lock Solo Ads = Quality Clicks for IM / MMO / Software Niches => CrAzY dEaL !! !( L@@K )

    Vendor-Lock in

    Premium Solo Ads & Mobile Traffic For IM / MMO / Software Niches Lowest Price & Highest Quality - Best ROI My Personal Guarantee I guarantee you will receive the ... [read more]

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    TikTok Just Launched Lead Generation Ads Aimed at Helping Advertisers Collect Audience Information

    A new article on Social Media Today reports that TikTok is looking to help advertisers gain more direct insight on potential customers via a new Lead Generation ad option, which ... [read more]