
  • 30 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Is it possible to make money with DIRECT fb ads marketing? (no email lists)

    Netanel Elbom in Beginners Area

    Does anybody here had success with selling Clickbank or any other similar products through Facebook ads, without email lists and 'free guide' that tempt the person buying the full-paid course ... [read more]

  • 22 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    How We Scaled A Coaching Business To $300,000 Per Month With Youtube Ads

    Jeff Baxter in Social Networks

    Hey Warriors! It's been awhile, but I promised myself that I would come back here and add some value when I can as this was the place where I got ... [read more]

  • 549 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Not Available

    John Atkins in

    Not available

  • 2 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Meta could probably remove Facebook and Instagram ads for EU

    The social media giant is reportedly considering paid versions of Facebook and Instagram that would remove ads in EU. However the cost and rollout date for this hasn't been confirmed ... [read more]

  • 26 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    How to start selling Solo Ads...?

    SteveTraffic in Email Marketing

    Hello Warriors, For the past several months I have been building lists, niches include: work from home, passive income, mlm, network marketing.. etc. Even includes buyers. I have a dozen ... [read more]

  • 6 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Google Ads Makes Changes to Automated Extensions

    A new article on Search Engine Journal reports that Google Ads just rolled out three updates to automated ad extensions. Here's what's new. Google announced new improvements on ad extensions ... [read more]

  • 434 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    John Kneita's Solo ads

    John Kneita in

    Hey, I Just Met You, And This Is Crazy Buy My Solos, Or Contact Me Maybe! Terms & Conditions Purchased amount of clicks will be delivered within 48 hours (usually ... [read more]

  • 12 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    facebook blocking account due to ads

    Hello everyone! Tell me what to do? After setting up ads, FB blocks the account, how can I avoid this? How to achieve business account status?

  • 24 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Facebook Ads very low results now on sales

    Drilon H in Social Networks

    Hello Warriors, This is my first post to the forum but I have been following some of the threads before and I found really useful information. I want to ask ... [read more]

  • 32 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    My Bing Ads Campaign Result...Not Good?

    TheSupremeGuy in Beginners Area

    Hey, so I just paused my campaign right after 1 hour of being approved by Bing. Now, I know it is very very early to decide but just want to ... [read more]

  • 12 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Making money from ads everyday

    LilyMunday in Beginners Area

    Can anyone tell me which companies organize advertisements for your website? I keep hearing how people are making money on views and clicks and would be very interested to do ... [read more]

  • 10 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Here are the top performing Super Bowl YouTube ads

    WF- Enzo in Social Networks

    Super Bowl regularly features some of the most expensive advertisements for broadcast and commercial viewership, with a 30-second slot costing $5.6 million. This year's Super Bowl featured the regulars (Budweiser, ... [read more]

  • 10 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Pinterest shares new insights in to the impact of banning weight loss ads in the app

    A new article on Social Media Today reports on something many of you will find interesting. The case study highlights how smaller changes and policy tweaks, in relative terms, can ... [read more]

  • 52 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}


    AdmanMrWoo in Offline Marketing

    Remember that talking sock puppet on the superbowl years ago, just before the market crashed by 50%? I contend that superbowl ads (and "award winning" ads) are a clear sign ... [read more]

  • 5 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Solo Ads Unfair Practice ! Give Your Views

    gyansikun in Beginners Area

    Hi, I was talking with a vendor for solo ad. Here's my question: Suppose I buy 1000 clicks and I get opt-in of 30%. This means I get 300 subscribers ... [read more]

  • 9 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    What is the cheapest way to buy real traffic for Ads Arbitrage?

    Did anyone ever bought pop under traffic to generate traffic for a blog ?* I believe this is the cheapest form of ads you can find to generate traffic to ... [read more]

  • 6 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    What are good Solo Ads providers nowdays?

    flexedu in Internet Marketing

    Hi Warriors! Hope you're doing well. I'd love to hear your opinion, what is your current experience with solo ads? I've read quite a bit about it and opinions are ... [read more]

  • 8 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Facebook Leads ads

    IT Security in Beginners Area

    I run a campaign in Facebook ads for leads generation after we call the customer we get a lot of no answers from them like 98% i like to know ... [read more]

  • 221 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Broad Targeting Formula 2.0 Review+BEST BONUS+Discount& Create The Best Performing FB Ads &Boost ROI

    Johnnleo in

    Broad Targeting Formula 2.0 Review Plus Best Broad Targeting Formula 2.0 Bonus Offer Introducing: A Brand New FB Ads Targeting Course Set to Improve Leads, Conversions & Sales in ANY ... [read more]

  • 10 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Facebook Ads to Click bank landing page

    Hi Everyone, It seems my link is getting clicks according to the Facebook analytics. I have had 30 link clicks however the Click bank statistics only say 3. Am I ... [read more]

  • 26 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    New to the forum and very interested in solo ads

    Josue Rivera in Beginners Area

    Hi everyone! Im new to the solo ad business, just want to say thank you for welcome me to the group. I'm interested in both sides of the business "Seller/Buyer" ... [read more]

  • 15 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Snapchat Trolls Instagram in New "Real Friends" Campaign

    WF Will in Social Networks

    Snapchat Trolls Instagram in New "Real Friends" Campaign Snapchat has launched its first global media campaign, poking fun at follower-hunting and taking a firm anti-Facebook stance. The strongly branded messages ... [read more]

  • 11 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Google is making shopping ads free for everyone everywhere from mid-October

    This new article on Search Engine Journal reports that Google has decided to make shopping ads free worldwide from mid-October as a response to businesses struggling financially during the COVID-19 ... [read more]

  • 29 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Facebook ads

    Bella zanny in Beginners Area

    I've tried publishing Facebook ads and Instagram ads since yesterday. It keeps getting rejected. This is painful because I already funded the account. Pls, what can I do? A detailed ... [read more]

  • 37 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Instagram ADs vs Facebook ADS

    Nhat Le in Social Networks

    What do you think are the differences between these platforms? I feel like if you're trying to market a niche related to fashion I feel like Instagram is better than ... [read more]