Warrior Learn - seo

Articles tagged with 'seo'
  • We Analyzed 10 Million URLs' Page Speed Data; Here's What We Found

    Featured image for We Analyzed 10 Million URLs' Page Speed Data; Here's What We Found Cem Akbulut | 7 years ago

    On-page SEO does really matter. We've been hearing it from others for ages and experiencing its benefits for ourselves. Without a solid on-page foundation, your site will be crippled and chances are, it's never going to reach its full potential. But then, Knowing this arises even more critical questions. How are we supposed to know when we're done with the on-page, so we can finally move on to other aspects of SEO? Are throwing a bunch of semantic keywords in body tags and URL, writing long articles, and siloing them going to be enough? What about more technical factors ...

  • What is SEO Content? What Makes GOOD SEO Content?

    Featured image for What is SEO Content? What Makes GOOD SEO Content? Brandon King | 7 years ago

    What is SEO Content? What Makes GOOD SEO Content? What’s the best way to win a sword fight? What was Steve Jobs’ astrological sign? Is this mole on my back normal? If you have Googled, you have come face to face with SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process that goes into making web content attract visitors through search engines, which in 2017 mostly means Google.   By the end of this post, you’ll understand: -Why your “SEO content writer” is stuck in 2012 -Why keyword density as a concept should die forever -One easy thing you should ...

  • 30 SEO Experts You Must Follow in 2018

    Featured image for 30 SEO Experts You Must Follow in 2018 Nice Sabino | 7 years ago

    The future of SEO is just right around the corner! We'll always be genuinely indebted to the experts who foresee the advancement of SEO, for continuously beating the odds when the algorithm evolves. Here are 30 SEO Experts who posses the adroitness to ride with or go against the flow of SEO evolution P.S. Names not arranged in chronological order... Let's begin! Bruce Clay Bruce Clay is the Owner and President of Bruce Clay, Inc., an Internet Marketing & Advertising, specializing in Search Engine Optimization since 1996. He served as an executive with various businesses and professionals with a ...

  • 10 Tips For An Awesome, SEO-Friendly Blog Post

    Featured image for 10 Tips For An Awesome, SEO-Friendly Blog Post Jon Berg | 7 years ago

    Introduction Writing blog posts and keeping your site up to date with relevant, useful content is a great strategy to keep visitors coming back for more. Without getting too technical, here are ten quick and easy ways to help your blog post rank well in the search engines and reach out to a wider audience. Correct Structure I’m not just talking about having all of the elements you need with writing; a captivating introduction, useful, thought provoking content and a balanced conclusion. I’m talking about having the correct technical structure. Firstly, head into your Wordpress dashboard and go to Settings ...

  • What we learned about “Long Tail” by analyzing 1.4 Billion keywords

    Featured image for What we learned about “Long Tail” by analyzing 1.4 Billion keywords timsoulo | 8 years ago

    Tim Soulo Tim is the guy responsible for marketing and product development at Ahrefs. But most importantly he's the chief evangelist of the company. I'm sure you've heard it many times that short keywords tend to get tons of searches per month, while the long ones are never popular.  But I don't recall any substantial research that didn't qualify their findings with vague words like "tend" or "rarely." So I pinged our data scientist on Slack and asked: - Do you think we could run a few queries on our ENTIRE keywords database (*that is 1.4 billion keywords for the ...