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    Solo Ads and Ad Swaps -- IM List of 11k

    Ken Strong in

    I'm booking solo ads and ad swaps for December and beyond for my IM list currently at 11,400. For solo ads, I guarantee at least 150 clicks per mailing, or ... [read more]

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    RETARGETING TUITT How I ReTarget Advertising Online With FB Ads And Save Advertising WATCH VIDEO

    Simeon Tuitt in


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    Manage ads - google play app ?

    Omar Ihcaamel in Ad Networks

    Hey All, I started with two apps that I published on Google Play, I'm not a developer, I only bought two source codes and I worked on the content, currently ... [read more]

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    FB Ads For Auto Sales

    thefsboking in PPC/SEM

    There was a video I saw from Gary V suggesting the use of Polk data in FB ads as the best way to get leads for car sales. It is ... [read more]

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    solo ads

    nolimitman in

    Can anyone tell me how to construct a killer solo ad or point me to a resource where I can learn? Thanks Steve

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    Facebook ads paid compaigns

    Hi everyone, I'm new in this forum and I'm also glad to join this amazing corner. My question is: is there someone who can tell me where can I buy ... [read more]

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    LinkedIn Ads for B2B

    Alright I've been having like no success with ads on LI. It was my first shot with it but it went terribly. I think my audience was good, but maybe ... [read more]

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    Native Ads for Offline Local Lead Gen.

    zoro in Offline Marketing

    Been thinking about other sources to use for Local Business Lead Generation. On another thread, some say that Native Content Ads like Taboola and AdBlade, work ok for affiliate offers, ... [read more]

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    Solo Email Ads Available 500+ Clicks -Multiple Niches - TESTIMONIALS!!

    spiderweb in

    List Building Solo Email Ads My Solo Email Ads WILL BUILD Your List GUARANTEED!! Because my list is RESPONSIVE!! I give you 2 options... OPTION 1:Designed to build your list. ... [read more]

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    Facebook Lead Gen Video Error Ads

    Jordan Farhat in PPC/SEM

    Hi All, So apparently if you use a video for a Facebook Lead Gen ad, you won't be able to use it for a CPC ad. I am gathering that ... [read more]

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    anyone try native ads and Pre roll in-stream ads in exoclick ?

    theundertaker in Ad Networks

    anyone try native ads and Pre roll in-stream ads in exoclick i want to know the cpm and cpc for these ads and can replace by using it instead of ... [read more]

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    How to target info marketers in FB ads

    Arry Caveman in Beginners Area

    Hey guys, I'm new here. I wanted to ask how would you target info marketers in FB ads? No matter how I try to target them I hit a brick ... [read more]

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    focusedlife in

    | | | ************************************************** ***** Want to see what else I've got or test drive my knowledge base? Click the button below, scroll to the middle of the page ... [read more]

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    Question - Facebook Ads Service like Solo Ads

    DaWarrior in Social Networks

    Is there a service like soloads or something similar which people with different Facebook Groups sell advertising/posts?

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    Setting up Social Media Paid Ads

    Jordan Farhat in Beginners Area

    Hi All, I am new to the world of paid social. I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to setup an ad with a video that links ... [read more]

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    Facebook Ads Pixel for Multi Niche Site

    shimul0011 in Ad Networks

    As far as I know, the Facebook Pixel gets experienced and accurate by time and help you do super customization and bring your cost per conversion down as the pixel ... [read more]

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    Looking for suggestions in remarketing google ads

    Neha Shukla in Beginners Area

    Hi, I am new in PPC and running Google ads. Recently, I have created new campaign for display network. But it's not showing. Error is not enough audience. Please suggest ... [read more]

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    Building a targeted email list via Pinterest ads

    m90 in Email Marketing

    Hello there community, Is there anyone who tried Pinterest ads to build a targeted email list from USA ? If so, is it cheap than Facebook ads ? and how ... [read more]

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    Banner Ads - Design

    barefut in

    Need the following ads created for jewelry site, must look professional and clean! Have stock photos you can use. . . . 300 x 50 468 x 60 728 x ... [read more]

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    Classified ads Posters Needed.

    campos2680 in

    I need people to post me classified ads on some websites.I will provide the sites and items. Payment will be made in % agreed with each in private discussion. I ... [read more]

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    HELP: Landing Pages and Banner Ads

    nathanwhc in

    Graphic Design We have 2 needs that could be serviced by a single development house or several. Landing Page redevelopment and banner ad development are the focus of the 2 ... [read more]

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    twitter ads

    Bob Dalahar in Social Networks

    hi people there is someone who works or worked with twitter ads? it is very necessary to ask a couple of questions

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    Lead generation with bing ads?

    tripwhite in Email Marketing

    Hello everyone, After my facebook ads account got disabled, i'm switching to bing ads and looking to run a lead generation campaign, so i'm here to hear some good advice ... [read more]

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    Advice on Facebook captions for ads

    Elena Base in Social Networks

    Hi there, I wondered if anyone can help me... I'm creating a video Facebook ad and wanted to ask if it was fine to create the video captions myself or ... [read more]

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    Where do you buy Ads in email?

    JohnVianny in Ad Networks

    I have a few list, like digital point or google adwords display or others but i wanna know for YOU: where do you buy ADS in the email of a ... [read more]