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    How to use jvzoo However link with domain farwording to create ads for AdWords and Facebook ads

    Zaib Kang in Ad Networks

    I want to promote my jvzoo products affiliate link by AdWords and Facebook paid ads But I am facing a problem I use godady domain farwording with masking and I ... [read more]

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    Facebook Ads: how to analyse who clicked the ad deeply?

    carlos helder in Ad Networks

    Hi! Using Facebook Ads we can segment things like parents with kids from 6-8 who live in Antarctica and like beaches. However, let's say we don't segment our potential clients ... [read more]

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    Solo Ads exchange/sell [NO UPFRONT!]

    OnTargetMarketing in

    UPDATE! Hi guys, My auto responder crashed because im using a free service and i had too much subscribers in one day when i was promoting my newsletter. My apologies. ... [read more]

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    How can I disable my ads for triggering close variants variants of my keywords?

    Sushil Cn in PPC/SEM

    In Adwords account is there any way to do this ? what if I add close variants keywords as negative keywords? will it effect my actual keywords? Please help

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    Any product sales from countries like India, Pakistan using Facebook Ads

    Has anyone have any info product sales from countries like, India, Pakistan or these cheaper countries to advertise to using Facebook Ad and what were your product prices? Thank you.

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    Facebook Ads PowerEditor: How to add a custom column based on a custom pixel?

    carlos helder in Programming

    I have added custom pixel codes to my website. As an example, a page has the following code: <script> fbq('track', 'try-heromask'); </script> I want to quantify how many people entered ... [read more]

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    What if all bloggers decide to click on google ads

    Abhay Zambare in SEO

    I was just thinking what if all the bloggers decide to click on at least one add-on when they surf or read any information on the blog. This will ready ... [read more]

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    Need someone/team to post 5 ads a day on Gumtree UK version

    flamingphoenix in

    As simple as it sounds - need someone to post every two days using various email accounts (supplied) on the Gumtree UK classified site under the part time job section. ... [read more]

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    [MOBILE SOLO ADS] Explode Your E-mail List With Mobile Solo Ads And Never Go Back To E-mail Solos

    Simeon Tuitt in


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    When does an a piece of content become an ad? (FB Ads)

    Hi all, So I'm about to embark on setting up a Facebook business page and create some paid content. I understand there's an 80 / 20 rule. 80% interesting, none ... [read more]

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    Do I need access to both the ad account and FB page to do ads?

    attawnnc in PPC/SEM

    Hey All, There may be a simple answer to this but I'm not sure of it. I manage a handful of clients in my business manager. I've always had access ... [read more]

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    Dynamic Display Ads with Ad Gallery on The Google Display Network

    Siraj Ganju in PPC/SEM

    Hey Guys, I'm running a Dynamic display ad in ad gallery on the Google Display Network. I've entered all the required information and there are no issues with the bidding ... [read more]

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    Question for FB ads consultants?

    elkamilo55 in Social Networks

    Hey Warriors, i've been a lurker so far, I have this hazy idea for a service, would love to get feedback from FB ads folks to see if it has ... [read more]

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    Facebook Ads, what analytics should I trust?

    v3nge in Social Networks

    Hello. I'm new here, so I'll give a very short introduction. I'm a recent marketing graduate, trying to get into eCommerce by selling niche t-shirts. I'm using promoted post ads ... [read more]

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    Screw GOOGLE You Don't Need Them, Once You Know This Secret - Little As 1 Hour

    sparrow in

    STOP acting like Google's Pawn!! You Can Tell Google And Every Other Search Engine To Beat It, Once You Know This Secret You don't need your own website It's Free ... [read more]

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    Google Banner Ads Logo / Banner Designer Required

    jayuk76 in

    I need a banner ad creator to create me banners for all the sizes of Google Image Ads here https://www.google.com/adsense/stati...NmhdVS2jLhHDSg 8 in total I will have maybe 5-8 products total ... [read more]

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    Linked in - difference between direct sponsored content and dynamic ads?

    Jeweyfro in Social Networks

    Apologies if this seems a dumb question, but I have read tons of the documentation on linkedIn on this and spent time reviewing my own ads. Still can't work it ... [read more]

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    Shane N in


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    $100,000 & 200,000 Targeted Visitors In 60 Days REVEALED! - With PLR!

    Shane N in

    November 8th, 2010: THIS REPORT IS BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! If you're still on the fence about this, grab it now because in 48 hours the price will go UP, ... [read more]

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    Adswaps / Solo Ads 16K List

    secrets2010 in

    I have adswaps / solo ads available in the IM Niche. See my references below: Ratings of Vincent Inter at Safe-Swaps. Feel free to book on my calendar If you ... [read more]

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    For Facebook messenger ads is the impression option and not cost per click still

    spiderman1234 in PPC/SEM

    For Facebook messenger ads I can't change it to cost per click I only have impression. I was wondering if the impression is only counted when someone clicks to go ... [read more]

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    Banner Design experts, specializing in simple elegant and effective banner ads

    ivision in

    I invite you to take a look at www.bannerscope.com. For any more information of different example of our work please do not hesitate to contact us. Our online and forum ... [read more]

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    Twitter niche, FREE CONTENT FOR LIFE, Outstanding Design, Smart Ads, Limited Ed. ~ Only $30!

    Ahead-DESIGN in

    Premium Website Package For Sale! Inside Twitter The site is live and 100% functional, click link to view! "Microblogging hints and tips" UNIQUE FRESH CONTENT FOR LIFE! SMART ADSâ„¢ ... [read more]

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    My first Ads

    Martinez12 in Beginners Area

    Hey Guys, Today I want to started ad this is my fist experience and I want you to give me some advise I have just 2 like on my page ... [read more]