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  • Keyword density in on-page SEO explained

    Featured image for Keyword density in on-page SEO explained Allen Levings | 7 years ago

    What is keyword density? When it comes to ranking a website at the top of the SERPs only the search engines themselves know exactly what mix of ranking factors create a great ranking, but you would be hard pressed to find a marketer that doesn’t agree that on-page optimization is important. In fact, if you are exploring SEO tutorials and courses a large portion of them will tell you to begin by optimizing your on-page. Consider the fact Google has multiple algorithms that deal with quality content, original content, title tags, and page speed and it is easy to see ...

  • How Important is Content for Effective SEO?

    Featured image for How Important is Content for Effective SEO? Sam Borcia | 7 years ago

    Content is what makes a website stand out. It is what your audience interacts with, reads, comments on, shares, and buys into. It is the lifeblood of your business. Content comes in many forms, even though many people still make the mistake of thinking it is related to blog posts and written work alone. Content is found in your emails, your social media posts, your interactions with customers online, your advertisements, your web copy, your Youtube videos, your podcasts, and of course, your on-site content. Content solidifies your product and service as legit and reliable. The more information there is ...

  • What Western Marketers Can Learn From The East

    Featured image for What Western Marketers Can Learn From The East Marcus W K Wong | 8 years ago

    As a digital marketer, addressing the global audience is part of your everyday. If not, there is a good chance that you're focused on the North American and/or European markets only. As a business operator or a marketing entrepeneur, you're goal is trying to find the balance between lead generation, providing great user experience, and maintaining an effective business model that's profitable. In this summary that we created, we were inspired by online marketing successes from South East Asia and the surrounding countries. Why? For one, Asia is a massive market. If your products are tailored to win this crowd, ...

  • 7Search closes down

    Featured image for 7Search closes down Stefan Vee | 8 years ago

    Just got this notice today: Starting today July 31, 2017 7Search.com will be ceasing operations and is no longer providing pay per click traffic of any kind to its advertisers. In the coming week you will receive an email with information on how to receive a FULL refund for the remaining balance in your 7Search Advertiser account. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we appreciate all your past business and support

  • What we learned about “Long Tail” by analyzing 1.4 Billion keywords

    Featured image for What we learned about “Long Tail” by analyzing 1.4 Billion keywords timsoulo | 8 years ago

    Tim Soulo Tim is the guy responsible for marketing and product development at Ahrefs. But most importantly he's the chief evangelist of the company. I'm sure you've heard it many times that short keywords tend to get tons of searches per month, while the long ones are never popular.  But I don't recall any substantial research that didn't qualify their findings with vague words like "tend" or "rarely." So I pinged our data scientist on Slack and asked: - Do you think we could run a few queries on our ENTIRE keywords database (*that is 1.4 billion keywords for the ...