Pay per Call on a small budget which is better SEO or Paid Ads?

16 replies
Hey guys, when now starting out wanting to try Affiliate Marketing promoting Pay Per Call offers. If someone has a small budget say $150 per month, which would be the better option, run Ads or do SEO on the Offer Site you build please?
#ads #budget #call #paid #pay #seo #small
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  • Profile picture of the author Awais_Afzal1
    If you are going to run pay per call offer i will suggest you to go with google call ads and run a call only ads campaign.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by mikehende View Post

    Hey guys, when now starting out wanting to try Affiliate Marketing promoting Pay Per Call offers. If someone has a small budget say $150 per month, which would be the better option, run Ads or do SEO on the Offer Site you build please?

    All of the above.

    You always do as much as you can, regardless of your budget.
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  • Profile picture of the author cddirtworks
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  • Profile picture of the author Tootsie68
    With a $150 monthly budget, focus on SEO to build your site's visibility and consider using Google call-only ads for quick results.
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  • Profile picture of the author deltahost
    Originally Posted by mikehende View Post

    If someone has a small budget say $150 per month, which would be the better option, run Ads or do SEO on the Offer Site you build please?
    These are almost theorems:
    - traffic from SEO will begin to develop after 2 months, from contextual advertising on the same day;
    - SEO traffic based on profit/expense results is always more profitable, much more profitable! (sometimes this is hundreds of percent);
    - getting SEO traffic is not only work and money, but also time;
    - and most importantly: if you want to calculate how much you will spend on SEO or advertising and how much you will earn in a certain period, this is a wrong action, you will not succeed, love your business and develop it, the mathematical approach does not work here, sometimes - a forecast
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  • Profile picture of the author speedylikesKJ
    I'd find a great push source and use my $150 there to make $300 out of it , Plenty of good push ad networks where tyou can find quality traffic which you can drive to the pay per call offers
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    • Profile picture of the author mikehende
      Originally Posted by speedylikesKJ View Post

      I'd find a great push source and use my $150 there to make $300 out of it , Plenty of good push ad networks where tyou can find quality traffic which you can drive to the pay per call offers
      Thanks, some years ago I had tried Push Notifications but lost a lot of money and never made once cent. Of course I had seen stories of some people claiming to have success which is why I tried it but after a while on the Affiliate Networks forums I came across people who unfortunately was in the same boat as me, they too lost a lot of money, I remember one guy losing around 15k and this was even with being in a top coaching program.
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      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by mikehende View Post

        Thanks, some years ago I had tried Push Notifications but lost a lot of money and never made once cent. Of course I had seen stories of some people claiming to have success which is why I tried it but after a while on the Affiliate Networks forums I came across people who unfortunately was in the same boat as me, they too lost a lot of money, I remember one guy losing around 15k and this was even with being in a top coaching program.

        I do not follow you so I don't know what all you are working
        on but why don't you go back to the fundamentals of affiliate
        marketing, perhaps read a book or two, and set aside time
        to work on your business.

        It might take months but it would be well worth it to develop
        a profitable system. The mistake I have seen over the years
        is people giving up too soon if they don't see immediate

        I know that it is frustrating when things that you try do not
        work, but you have to keep trying different methods until
        you find one that works for you, especially if you really
        need that income.

        Remember that a method might work for one person, but
        that same exact method will not work for another person
        because they do things differently.
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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    I would lean towards paid ads as long as you can justify the cost and make more than you are spending. I would just do Bing ads; I think they are cheaper than Google AdWords, and they are gaining market share.

    With that being said, I would do SEO in conjunction with it as well. I would just put more effort into paid advertising nowadays.

    Especially with all the Google updates nowadays search traffic is becoming harder and harder to come by.
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    • Profile picture of the author mikehende
      Originally Posted by entrepreneurjay View Post

      I would lean towards paid ads as long as you can justify the cost and make more than you are spending. I would just do Bing ads; I think they are cheaper than Google AdWords, and they are gaining market share.

      With that being said, I would do SEO in conjunction with it as well. I would just put more effort into paid advertising nowadays.

      Especially with all the Google updates nowadays search traffic is becoming harder and harder to come by.
      Thanks, yes, my thinking is the same, too many problems nowadays with updates and having to write 'unique' content to please google.I see bloggers writing the same content about a niche, just putting a different spin on it adding a snippet or two of their own hoping to fool the Bots into seeing that it's unique but no, it is not unique.

      Also, the tons of 'how to' blogs is just the same repeated content written as mentioned above. So at least the way I see it, it is becoming more and more difficult to come up with creative content which is not written about already on the net.

      As speedylikesKJ wrote Push Ads is a great option but [based on my own experience] if one is lucky and has the budget for it. Again, yes, I will continue to try to write unique blogs and do good backlinking but I am thinking of looking into video marketing with short reels for SM and Youtube and maybe TikTok as another option to paid Ads, what do you guys think about this part please?
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  • Profile picture of the author Zoheb M
    Consider affiliate marketing with recurring income, if your budget is low. You could use the $150 for ppc alone, and spend your time on seo long haul.

    designing $100 landing pages, and talking business philosophy...

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  • Profile picture of the author NillBraun
    With your budget, it's better to focus on SEO for your offer site. This will provide long-term results and won't require constant expenses like advertising. This way, you can gradually increase organic traffic and see steady growth.
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  • Profile picture of the author hieronymusf01
    It all depends on the long or short term goals of the campaign, there is no right or wrong answer.
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  • Profile picture of the author digiown agency
    If you're working with a limited budget like $150 per month, focusing on SEO for the offer site you build would likely be the better option. SEO efforts can yield more sustainable, long-term results without the ongoing costs associated with running ads. With careful keyword research and optimization, you can drive organic traffic to your site and potentially generate leads for the pay-per-call offers without continuous ad spend.
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  • Maybe doing SEO on your site will be better since with $150/month, you can barely run ads and receive result.
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  • Profile picture of the author Luna Moon
    I'd recommend focusing on SEO for your offer site. The budget is too small for advertising, unfortunately. And SEO is always a more stable foundation for traffic and conversions in the long run. Besides, you can implement many SEO strategies yourself, saving money.

    BUT. The option to do SEO on your own and run ads at the same time looks like something great.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jenny Luis
    Choosing among search engine optimization and paid ads for Pay per Call on a small finances relies upon on your goals and time-frame. Search engine marketing is value-powerful long-time period, improving natural visibility and producing constant leads with out ongoing costs. However, it takes time to look effects. Paid ads offer immediately traffic and quicker results but require non-stop spending. For a small finances, start with search engine optimization for sustainable boom, and use focused paid ads for instant boosts or specific campaigns. Combining both can stability instant wishes with long-time period achievement.
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