Warrior Learn

  • 3 Benefits of Webinar Marketing

    Featured image for 3 Benefits of Webinar Marketing WarriorForum.com | 3 years ago

    Webinars can be a powerful element of your marketing strategy. The key is not to treat them as a bonus action, but as an integral part of the whole plan. Webinars are successful because there's a demand for such content from customers. People tend to browse the internet, searching for information about products and services. A compelling webinar can quickly become a foundation for numbers of content pieces – starting from articles to promote an upcoming project, to social media posts, videos, and infographics. We’ve covered the what, how about the why? As in, why should you invest in webinar ...

  • Good branding reduces a consumer’s perceived risk

    Featured image for Good branding reduces a consumer’s perceived risk WarriorForum.com | 3 years ago

    Branding is a key factor in the consumer’s decision-making process. It has the power to influence customers on their perceptions and experiences with a product. There are risks that customers encounter during their buying decisions, but good branding increases the likelihood of purchase., The perception that the product may not live up to expectations. Your business can build consumer trust online by encouraging users to leave reviews about your products. This allows the quality of products to be reflected in the form of peer reviews, which can reduce perceived risks, giving your audience confidence in your product. The perception of ...

  • The top 3 most popular online payment gateways

    Featured image for The top 3 most popular online payment gateways Warrior Forum | 3 years ago

    When you create an account on Warrior Forum and you post a WSO, you are required to have a valid checkout link which leads to a valid payment gateway. This payment gateway is what literally brings you money. Without it, how can people even pay for your product? So, to get to the point here are the top 5 online payment solutions. With about 305 million active users, PayPal is perhaps the most popular and largest payment gateway. Do you need someone to send you money? PayPal. Do you need a payment gateway so you can pay for your Netflix ...

  • Five productivity apps every marketer must have this 2021

    Featured image for Five productivity apps every marketer must have this 2021 WarriorForum.com | 4 years ago

    It’s 2021, where almost every app can be downloaded from an app store, for free. And as a digital marketer, you’ll benefit from these productivity apps. Here’s a rundown of the five most important productivity apps you’ll need. Microsoft 365 At the first of the list is the quintessential productivity suite from Microsoft. And it’s pretty much self-explanatory – we all use Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, and maybe OneDrive. You can use these accounts for free with a Microsoft account, or simply sign in when your organisation already uses Microsoft 365. Zoom Zoom has taken the world by storm, and ...

  • Increase engagement and conversion with these visual presentation tips

    Featured image for Increase engagement and conversion with these visual presentation tips WarriorForum.com | 4 years ago

    Picture this. You’re in a Zoom meeting with a prequalified client, and you’re about to make that presentation to that client. Yes, with remote meetings come these presentations which have essentially become the norm as everyone suddenly started working from home during the onset of the pandemic. And while presentations do get the job done in delivering content to your audience, a boring preso will kill your audiences’ attention. Read on. Less is better Gone are the days when preso decks are filled with long paragraphs that would beat a college senior’s dissertation. Avoid long and eye-straining texts. Use bulleted ...