[Case Study] How A Real Estate Agent Generated 500 Leads with Messenger Bots for under $1300
![Featured image for [Case Study] How A Real Estate Agent Generated 500 Leads with Messenger Bots for under $1300](https://static.warriorforum.com/1880018%2Fb00b8a14-90fa-496c-95e7-d154ca967328%2FIMG_5055.jpg)
Messenger marketing and conversational marketing is a growing trend that’s becoming easier (and cheaper) to implement for businesses of all kind. New softwares that piggy back on platforms like Facebook Messenger, WeChat, Telegram or even SMS (text messages) allow businesses to create dynamic, personalized interactions at scale… without having to pay high costs for the labor or the tech. These interactions are not replacements for the personal interaction between businesses and customers, but merely a vehicle that expedites the process. These automated systems can deliver content, answer questions, ask questions, and collect data from your subscribers. Recently we ran a ...